Bogota | They would have hacked the line and the account reached him for 160 million – Bogotá


Not to believe. A spare parts company received an invoice from ETB for almost 160 million pesos when, usually, it pays 400,000 pesos each month.

The nightmare began on December 23, the day the company received the millionaire payment of 159,372,000 pesos.

“We thought it was a system error. We contacted the ETB and on January 5 we received a communication that said that the collection should indeed be exercised because there was a consumption of a whole weekend of calls to Saudi Arabia“, says Lorena Bermúdez, representative of the affected company

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The absurd thing for them is that none of the members of the company make international calls or know anyone in Saudi Arabia.

“We filed the claim, they reaffirmed the charge. They tell us that we were hacked and that there is nothing to do: we must pay“, says Bermúdez and indicates that the only option that ETB gives them is to divide the payment into three interest-free installments.

Later, the company received a second invoice for 2,454,000 pesos. “The bill for January could be cut,” says the representative.

However, the damage is done and the accounts are still there.

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The ETB ruled in a statement on the case and assured that “in November 2020 atypical international call traffic was detected and the international long distance service was blocked. Subsequently, the client was contacted and a control visit of fraud on company premises “. They indicate that it was a case of “violation of the security of the PBX” and that the vulnerability was not in the ETB trunk.

And he maintains that the payment must be made because ETB has already paid the balance to the international provider and needs the affected company to pay off the debt because “ETB could incur a detriment to the patrimonial of Bogota citizens by assuming or condoning the value of the calls made, since our company is of mixed capital and special nature that responds to its shareholders, whose main one is the capital district and, therefore, the city of Bogotá. ”

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* With reporting by Johana Luccini, journalist from Arriba Bogotá.
