Bogota | They will change the bike path on 13th street: it will no longer go through the center – Bogotá


13th Street will no longer have the bike path through the center of the east-west lane that, although it encouraged mobility by bicycle and saved lives, it generated annoyance among drivers.

As confirmed by the director of the IDU, Diego Sánchez, this Wednesday, the central bike lane will be changed for another temporary lane model: one that goes to the sides and not on the road, but on the so-called ‘expansion zone’.

(You may be interested in: II Round for the bike paths in Bogotá: the turn of the 13th street)

Initially, the bike path will only be made on one side over a road reserve area – which today is between land and grass – and not on the road. It will be done between the border of Bogotá and Boyacá Avenue, along 13th Street.

This intervention will begin in the first week of January and will work, provisionally, between 2021 and 2022 while a definitive mobility solution for Calle 13 is structured.

The intervention will be in charge of the Road Maintenance Unit. There are no details yet on how wide this bike path would be and what type of segregation it would use.

(Further: ‘This is not fanaticism for the bicycle or a war against the car’)

“The congestion problem that was generated (with the bike path) was a lot, that’s why it will be generated from the outside. But it is not 100% final”, Assured the director and said that the new model will allow the complete connectivity of bicycle trips.

Despite the traffic and the inconvenience to drivers, the truth is that the 13th street cycle lane, intended as a biosecure mobility alternative during the pandemic, was used. Figures from the Bogotá Mobility Secretariat indicate that in March of this year, 8% of the trips on this avenue were made by bicycle; but in October, with the cycle lane, the proportion rose to 35%. Before, 1,580 cyclists moved in a day during peak hours, in October they moved up to 6,520 in that same period.

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