Bogotá: protocols for the reopening of churches from September 22 – Bogotá


As of this Tuesday, September 22, the District authorizes the opening of religious centers to hold their meetings respecting all the biosafety protocols established in resolution 1120 of 2020 of the Ministry of Health.

The decision was made taking into account the favorable behavior of the contagion indicators and the lowest ICU occupancy that has occurred in Bogotá in recent months.

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“Thanks to the self-care and self-control behavior that most citizens have, the rate of contagion allows us to reopen Bogotá more, being aware that we will have a second peak again in the month of November, that as it is arranged with the epidemiological model of the city, it will not represent an overflow of the hospital capacity ”, said Luis Ernesto Gómez, Secretary of Government, referring to the opening of the religious temples.

The official insisted on the importance of acting with individual and collective responsibility and abiding by the necessary self-care measures during this transitory period to avoid the spread of covid-19 in Bogotá.

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Religious entities that wish to reopen their doors must adopt biosafety protocols to the rites of their tradition and / or religious belief, without ignoring these measures:

one. Train all staff that will have responsibilities during the religious celebrations in the biosecurity measures and identification of signs and symptoms of flu and covid 19.

two. Disinfect all facilities where the religious worship will be advanced before allowing the entry of the parishioners and allowing the disinfection of hands and footwear upon entry.

3. Demarcate the zigzag seating locations, both on the floor and on benches or chairs, and respect the distance of two meters between person and person. Parishioners must remain seated during the ceremony.

Four. Ensure ventilation of places of worship, keeping doors and windows open.

5. Have a temperature measuring device to measure it to each person who enters the room. People with a fever greater than or equal to 38 degrees Celsius or a cough will not be allowed in.

6. Permanently use the mask during all stages of the celebration covering nose and mouth.

7. Stay in the same place from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

8. Do not shake hands, or give kisses or hugs.

9. The use of gloves will be mandatoryor for those who open the doors and guide the faithful to locate themselves in the designated places.

10. Each religious entity must communicate to your parishioners the times and days in which the meetings will be held, as well as remembering the security measures to be able to attend.

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