Bogota | Family of ex-military assassinated in case of charter speaks – Bogotá


“My dad was not good just because he passed away. He was a great husband, father, grandfather, son and brother ”, said one of the daughters of the retired major of the National Army Miller Cortés, who was assassinated on December 11 in the town of Engativá, after being the victim of a charter by a criminal network known as ‘Harry’s’.

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His absence is remembered with tears and fear for the reprisals that the criminals who committed the fateful act may attempt against this family (who preferred not to reveal their names). Especially since the alleged perpetrator, Harrison Aurelio González Rincón, is a former police officer who has already been charged with the crimes of aggravated homicide, aggravated and qualified robbery, and manufacture, trafficking, possession or possession of firearms. González did not accept any of the charges against him.

However, it was recorded in security cameras of the Minuto de Dios neighborhood how a person shoots the ex-military man, who was parked in his car, for stealing a sum of more than 10 million pesos. There, in that instant, the illusions of a home were extinguished.

Miller, when he was not keeping watch on counter-guerrilla operations across the country, was a man given entirely to his family.

He met the one who would become his wife when he was just 16 years old. They lasted seven as boyfriends, and they were about to be married 35, a lifetime together.

In fact, those were the words his wife told him when she saw him, already dead, in the Santa María del Lago hospital. “Never forget that you are the love of my life,” he says.

“His resume is impeccable. He never had a single observation in his years of service “explains his daughter.

(Further: Walking relaxed, the desire of young people in vulnerable neighborhoods)

Therefore, his other great love was serving the country. In fact, it was never a job for him, but rather a hobby. “One day he told me that what he longed for the most was being back in the army,” confesses one of his nephews.

For this reason he repudiated the crime, the murders and the injustices that he had to witness, and which paradoxically knocked on his car door. “We never thought it would be our turn,” he added.

But it happened. A little more than two weeks ago, Miller went out with his wife to one of the banks that are inside the Titán Plaza shopping center, to withdraw the sum of money.

The diligence took longer than expected, because “the card did not want to read the chip, but finally the withdrawal could be made,” says his daughter.

And he says that his parents left there to have lunch at his house, in the El Morisco neighborhood, along with his brother and aunt.

They were in their own vehicle and stopped near the house to buy some avocados. His wife was the one who entered the establishment, while he, a moment later, was approached by one of the criminals.

“My mom heard a shot and left immediately. He saw how the guy with the handle of the gun hit the glass of the car, because it had a security film and with the shot he did not collapse. My dad had the money under the driver’s seat and it was very easy to take it from him, he did not put up any resistance, contrary to what the media are saying, “he says.

Apparently, at the time of the attack, Miller tried to start the car (his family explains that he did it to avoid the point-blank shots) and a few meters later another of the criminals, who was on a motorcycle, blocked his way . On that same motorcycle, the two criminals escaped.

As they fled, the oldest’s wife went to the car to call her son on his cell phone, asking for help. As it was close, she led him to the medical center. But it was too late, as a bullet impact (the one his wife heard) hit his aorta vein, causing him to bleed to death.

“When we found out we had faith that he was going to be saved. In fact, we had so much devotion that I made some calls so that, once he left the operation, he could be transferred to the Military Hospital and his recovery could begin ”, he says.

“One of the doctors called us and said he needed one of us to come in. My brother entered a room with a psychologist, but within minutes my mother and I were allowed in. They gave us the news that he had died. And it’s very sad because that person cared more about money than life. I thank God that my parents had stopped in that place, because if not, it would have been a bigger tragedy, ”says her daughter.

She asks the authorities that the death of Miller Cortés does not go unpunished and justice be done.

