Bogota councilor denounces threat and blames a follower of Gustavo Petro


Bogotá councilor Carolina Arbeláez, from the Radical Change party, made the complaint through her social networks, since it was there that they left her a message that she took as a threat against her.

“We already have you trampled, keep fucking Petro and you’ll see where that pretty face will be”The publication reads, as the councilor showed the message and made public the profile from where it was sent.

When entering the account that is seen there, it is found that it is in the name of “Marlon Capera”, who barely appears a publication on his private profile and has only 9 followers.

The text, according to the image, was sent Wednesday night at 9:04 pm, and it is unknown if the woman has already been the target of intimidation. This, because in the trills he speaks of having “received threats”.

Councilor Carolina Arbeláez asks Petro to reject the threats

The lobbyist said that these messages will not “intimidate” her and that she will continue with her work, and that is why she sent a direct message to Senator Gustavo Petro in which invites him “to reject this type of threats from some of his followers against his political opponents.”

Petro, so far, has not responded to the request of the councilor nor has he made reference to the complaint, and the question remains as to why Arbeláez assures that he is a follower of the senator.

This is one of the publications made by the Bogotá councilor.
