Bogotá Council approved project declaring climate emergency – Bogotá


In a historic decision, the councilors of Bogotá approved this Monday the draft agreement that declares the climate emergency. The author of the initiative is Councilor Susana Muhamad (Colombia Humana-UP).

This project has the support of the Administration and aims to reduce the vulnerability of the population and the ecosystems that make up the District against the effects of the emergency, strengthen capacities to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gases and a transition to energy renewable, among others.

“Bogotá may be the first city in Latin America to transform itself to face the consequences of climate change. I invite you to join the twitteraton: # DeclarenEmergenciaClimática Inviting the
@ConcejoDeBogota to make this crucial decision for the city, “the councilor wrote on her Twitter account.

Also councilman Julián Rodríguez Sastoque also celebrated the approval of the agreement and considered it “a historic event.”

“We have just APPROVED the declaration of #EmergenciaClimaticaYa in
@ConcejoDeBogota It is a historical fact! The first capital of Latin America to declare itself in emergency. Congratulations @susanamuhamad, to all the authors, councilors and citizens who built this agreement, “Rodríguez wrote.

Recently, in front of the draft agreement, the Secretary of the Environment, Carolina Urrutia, said: “This draft agreement is necessary and comes at the right time. It has successfully reflected the feelings of people from all social groups, that concern that we have for a future that is uncertain. We are in time to take specific considerations ”.

The draft agreement, which consists of 11 articles, contemplates, among other topics, 10 mandates for the District Administration, and each one has strategies and actions for their materialization.

These are the commands:

Mandate one: Land use planning around water and
socioecosystems: Recognize water as an organizing element of the territory, a
fundamental right indivisible from the right to life for current and future
generations and essential to achieving climate justice.

Mandate Two: Protection of the Main Ecological Structure -EEP- and the
Biodiversity: Restore the main ecological structure with clearly defined sources of funding and responsible parties, and as a permanent short, medium and long-term process, for the recovery of ecosystem services, protected areas of the Capital District and strengthening of territorial advantages in the face of climate change.

Mandate Three: Bogotá promotes Food Sovereignty and Security: The District
Capital will adopt the necessary measures to integrate the food sovereignty and security approach into the Central Region Food Supply Plan and the Food and Nutrition Security Public Policy for Bogotá, through distribution networks and access to food in the first and the second ring of food supply in Bogotá, in the face of probable scenarios of decrease in regional agricultural production due to the effects of climate change and variability, effects on water resources and soil in Bogotá and the region, and extreme events on a national and international scale.

Mandate Four: Energy Transition and reduction of greenhouse gases: The Capital District will adopt urgent measures to replace the use of fossil fuels in the city’s systems, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, with reference to the year 2020.

Mandate Five: Prevention and care for health risks in climate change. The Capital District will incorporate the climatic variable into the district health system policy and will strengthen the capacities of the sector in terms of prevention and to face the consequences that climate change represents on people’s health.

Mandate Six:
Comprehensive waste management with social inclusion for the crisis
climatic. The Capital District will formulate and implement a comprehensive and long-term solution to the management, processing and final disposal of solid waste, will incorporate the different actors of the solid waste chain in this proposal and will proceed to the closure of the Doña Juana landfill in their current operating conditions (burial of waste) generating environmentally and socially adequate conditions.

Mandate You are: Solidarity Economy, Resilience and decent work. The district
Capital will be responsible for developing Solidarity Economy schemes for
promote resilience and decent work as a public priority, in order to
encourage in the city to sustain the life of each citizen in the framework of the Climate Emergency.

Mandate Eight: Education and participation for a new environmental ethics.
Promote actions and pedagogical processes in the school and in the administration, in such a way that they seek to transform our consumption practices and our care and management in front of nature. Thus, all actions, campaigns and plans for pedagogy, education and civic culture, must strive to redefine the relationship between human beings, nature, and the environment in general.

Mandate Nine: Scientific innovation and democratization of knowledge. The
Capital District must guarantee the best management of information, innovation and available knowledge on climate risks in the city, in connection with the increase of prevention capacities and citizen reaction to the climate crisis.

Mandate Ten: Ecourbanism and Sustainable Construction for a territory
resilient that adapts to and mitigates climate change. Define and update in
consonance with the current National and District regulations, the rules, criteria and
norms aimed at mitigating and adapting the territory to climate change in the planning, design, development and construction processes on urban land and urban expansion, with criteria of sustainability and efficiency, in harmony with the environment and based on social equity .

Editorial Bogotá
