Bogotá City Hall will not build a monument to peace with M-19


After the barrage of criticism on social networks, the media and even within the Bogota Council, the Mayor’s Office made the decision to stop the construction of a monument to commemorate 30 years of peace with the old M-19 guerrilla, reported Noticentro CM &.

The idea of ​​putting that work within the city’s debt quota was excluded by the speakers of the Bogotá financing project, the councilors María Fernanda Rojas (Green Alliance) and Marisol Gómez (Bogotá for the People), added that informative.

The money that was going to be destined to make the monument will go to the construction of a new headquarters of the District University in Kennedy (south of the city) or to finance basic income for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, said that channel.

Several councilors had publicly expressed their position on the idea since Bogota City Hall to build that monument. One of them was the councilor of the Colombia Justa Libres movement, Emel Rojas, who delved into the disproportion between jobs created and the value of the work.

“That does not reactivate the city; it is a wrong message. It generates 90 jobs and it is going to spend 5,000 million pesos. These projects seem to us that they should be excluded from the debt quota, which is the only way the city has to get out of this severe crisis, ”explained Rojas, in dialogue with W Radio.

This was what councilor Emel Rojas had trilled about it:

The price of the work seemed exaggerated from the moment it was reported what the material for the elaboration of the monument, according to Blu Radio, would come of the smelting of the weapons that the extinct guerrilla group M-19 delivered 30 years ago.

The journalists of that radio station also disagreed with the price of a work that did not represent anything urgent for the city.

“5,000 million pesos is not just any monument, it is a building. In other words, this amount provides for a whole transformation in the architectural morphology of any city in the world. This is not a statue or a taste, we are talking about such a transformation to the symbols of the city ”, said last Friday one of the Blu Radio panelists.

This is the report of Noticentro CM & on the no to the construction of the monument:
