Boca Juniors rejected the racist insults of the journalist Pablo Carroza-a-futbolistas-Colombianos | Colombians Abroad


With five Colombians on the court (Sebastián Villa, Frank Fabra and Jorman Campuzano; Rafael Santos Borré and Jorge Carrascal) and one separated due to injury (Edwin Cardona), on March 14, in La Bombonera, the superclassic of Argentina was held , which ended tied 1-1.

However, after the meeting ended, the Argentine journalist, Pablo Carroza, referred to the Colombians in a derogatory way, assuring: “There is a lot of Colombian … Are Colombians who go to look for players in Colombia so cheap?… What do they want, to build a reggaeton band? Stop with the Colombians… That they go to play in Bogotá. I have nothing against Colombians, I congratulate them; I’m saying there are many. “

Following the journalist’s comments, Boca Juniors issued a statement in which it expressed its rejection of the “racist expressions” of the aforementioned, affirming that the xeneize club will always have its doors open for soccer players of different nationalities and especially Colombians; In addition, he also made it clear that such comments “only incite hatred and discrimination.”

Boca Juniors regrets the racist expressions of the journalist Pablo Carroza, who in the program Fútbol Outsider this past Sunday, criticized the presence of Colombian players in the Argentine superclassic.

Boca has always opened its doors to players from all over South America and especially those from Colombia, who have left an unforgettable mark on the history of the institution, and their examples have opened the doors to those who came later. The club is proud that many of its idols or historical references are of the most diverse South American nationalities.

Once again the club expresses its concern and repudiation of statements and behaviors that have nothing to do with the construction of a more open and plural football but that delay and only incite hatred and discrimination“.
