Boat shoots coronavirus cases in San Andrés – Other Cities – Colombia


After the contagion by covid-19 of the crew of the ‘Whisper’ vessel was confirmed, this Thursday the General Maritime Directorate (Dimar) issued a statement explaining what happened and the controls being carried out at the time.

According to Dimar, the Colombian vessel sailed on the Cartagena – San Andrés Archipelago – Providencia route, from April 25 to May 3, 2020, in the supply of essential products for the Department. AND “Since it did not report any alerts for covid-19, the ship performed the scheduled supply activities.”

Since it did not report any alerts by covid-19, the ship performed the scheduled supply activities

The ship with the national flag, as described by the authority, set sail on May 4 at 6:30 p.m. m., towards Cartagena according to the planned navigation route. However, on May 6 at 3:30 a.m. m., made an approach to the island, establishing communication with the Maritime Traffic and Surveillance Station requesting permission for their forced arrival in the face of alleged health problems manifested by one of its crew.

Taking into account the exceptions made in Resolution 156 of April 10, 2020, referring to cases of force majeure or humanitarian attention in the development of maritime activities in the framework of the emergency declared by the National Government by covid-19, their entry into the anchoring area in the interior bay of San Andrés was authorized in Los Almendros sector.

(Also read: The Mayor of Sucre is suspended for holding a party in quarantine)

Dimar explained that, at 5:00 in the morning, when the Health Authority was preparing to carry out the initial inspection of the vessel’s arrival, it was informed by the ship’s captain about the death of its crew member. Given the risk situation, the Secretary of Health began the actions to carry out the removal of the corpse, an activity carried out for this 18 hours after the death of the sailor was informed, after clarifying procedural aspects with the Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Likewise, Dimar invited the delegate of the Ministry of Health to review the guidelines regarding the management, transfer and final disposal of corpses by SARS-CoV-2 in the national territory and its application at the local and regional level.

From the Captaincy of Puerto de San Andrés, as reported by the Directorate, General Marítima, since May 6, carried out the respective investigations for the alleged breach of maritime regulations, as well as the breach of Resolution No. 156 of 13 April 2020, “Through which special measures are established for the exercise and control of maritime activities within the framework of the health emergency declared by the National Government for the covid-19 Coronavirus.”

In addition, Dimar indicated that it is carrying out inspection tasks on vessels through joint work with the other competent authorities, as well as coordination with the Coast Guard Station of the National Navy. Monitoring and inspections are also carried out in the anchoring area, in order to achieve compliance with the forty by the boat.

(Read here: Colombian scientists dispute Swedish epidemiologist theory)

Finally, he maintained that he will authorize, in coordination with the health authority, the departure to the port of Cartagena, place of registration of the ship, where it will be received under strict protocols that will be developed in coordination between the Captaincy of the Port of Cartagena and the District Administrative Department of Health. (Dadis).

However, said authorization will be given once the comprehensive maritime safety conditions are verified, Complete the administrative procedures to check whether the general legal framework was complied with due to the COVID-19 pandemic and verify the implementation of the applicable biosecurity measures by said ship.

The infected

Among those infected by the ship, in addition to the crew, are health personnel from the island and men from the National Navy.

Now, the health authorities verify other possible contagions between merchants of the Island and sex workers who contacted the sailors of the boat, according to statements by the Governor of San Andrés, Everth Hawkins Sjogreen.

In total, 15 tests have given positive results from this case, confirmed by the National Institute of Health, as reported by the departmental president.

