blood samples thrown in front of houses


Blood sample tubes were thrown in front of the houses of the inhabitants from that neighborhood of the town of Engativá, reported Snail News.

The count of residents in the area determined that there were 150 blood samples that had been dumped in that area of ​​Bogotá, added that media.

The samples, which they had names and surnamesThey did not have any type of identification to establish whether they belonged to a specific laboratory.

The fear of the inhabitants of the sector was due to the possibility that the sample tubes were serological tests for COVID-19. In that case, it would be likely that some of the tests contain the virus inside, reported residents of the place, in dialogue with that medium.

In fact, panic led one of the residents of the area to try to collect the tubes of blood. “I almost picked them up, but no. As a pod, he gave me a hunch, that better not, “said a resident of the area, in that newscast.

After calling the police several times, the authorities came to the sector and cordoned off the area to prevent someone from manipulating the blood samples thrown on the street. The authorities indicated that they are checking the security cameras in the area to establish who dropped the samples.

Finally, officials from a biological waste collection company collected blood sample tubes. However, residents said they want answers from authorities about what happened, Noticias Caracol concluded.

This is the report of the creepy case of the tubes with blood:
