Biosafety protocol for international flights to and from Colombia – Health


The Ministry of Health released resolution 1627 of September 15, by which it is adopted the biosecurity protocol for the reactivation of international flights after six months suspended by the pandemic.

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Specifically, according to government sources, from next Monday the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón airports in Cali; El Dorado, from Bogotá; Jose Maria Cordova, from Rionegro (Antioquia) and Rafael Nuñez, from Cartagena, will receive and dispatch flights to the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Guatemala.

The resolution establishes, in the first place, that the vigilance for the fulfillment of this protocol must be guaranteed by the health secretariats or related entities of the city or municipality to which each airport is attached.

And then it details the biosecurity measures beyond those already known, such as the unfailing use of the mask all the time and social distancing.

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International passengers must Arrive maximum three hours before your trips to the airports and prior to boarding, negative results of PCR molecular tests will be required, issued maximum 96 hours before of the flight. Whoever does not have that document or shows symptoms of infection by the new coronavirus will not be able to fly.

This measure applies to all people who arrive in Colombia and to countries that require it. Airlines must inform in advance which destinations require these tests to enter.

Unlike certain domestic flights, in which the EPS must cover the cost of antigen testing, resolution 1627 does not establish a specific liability for insurers, therefore It is assumed that passengers leaving the country will assume this item on their own.

Travelers must also report their health status through the Coronapp application and be available for epidemiological surveillance follow-ups that may be carried out by the health secretariats of the destination cities.

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Passengers who are going to take flights of more than two hours must wear several masks to constantly replace them.

The resolution also establishes that travelers must fill out in its entirety, prior to entering the entry or exit immigration control posts, the Check-Mig application form (see it here).

On the plane

Once on the aircraft, people must keep the seat assigned to them and wear the mask at all times. For flights of less than two hours, the toilets may not be used, except in exceptional cases and there will be no service on board.

On longer trips, food will be distributed by letter, so that there are no passengers in the same row eating at the same time. Entertainment stations must be disinfected before and after each trip.

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Other measures

Among other measures is that the authorities must avoid the crowds of passengers in the baggage, immigration control and customs areas.

In these areas passengers of up to two flights may stay simultaneously with a minimum physical separation of two meters, clearly established with signs. No more than one person will be allowed for each signal unless they are under 12 years old or people who need accompaniment. Antibacterial gel or glycerinated alcohol must be available at all times.

(Read also: The domestic flights in which you will have to be tested for covid)

At the immigration window there must be a meter of distance between the officers and the passengers. In these areas, needless to say, the consumption of food or beverages will be prohibited.

The use of baggage carousels should be maximized to limit the concentration of passengers and where possible specific zones should be assigned for flights from high-risk areas.

