Bill Clinton invites you to invest in Colombia – Sectors – Economy


Former United States President Bill Clinton invited foreign entrepreneurs to continue betting on Colombia as an investment destination, during the inauguration, yesterday, of the Colombia Investment Summit.

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The former president and founder of the Clinton Foundation participated in the installation of the foreign investment summit convened by Procolombia, in which more than two thousand attendees participate in a blended way. Of these participants, 1,085 are investors from 50 countries.

In his speech, Clinton called to take advantage of Colombia’s potential, such as local talent and geographical position, and, incidentally, help protect, with more jobs, communities and take care of the environment. Likewise, he explained that foreign investment can contribute to a more inclusive economy in Colombia, help reconciliation and mitigating the effects of covid-19 and the Venezuelan migration crisis.

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“Although the events of 2020 have upset all of our lives, and have affected national economies and the global economy,” said the former president, “some things have not changed, including the immense talent and creativity of the Colombian people. Or the infinite resources of the country and its immense natural beauty. Even at this difficult time there are smart investments to be made. These will allow expand opportunities, create jobs, develop infrastructure, combat climate change and resource depletion, as well as improve the social and economic balance between urban and rural areas”, He assured.

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Clinton, who ruled in the United States between 1993 and 2001, highlighted four specific sectors for international entrepreneurs, one of them renewable energy. “Colombia is especially well positioned to make the transition to a clean and renewable energy system, which will not only help against climate change, but will create many more jobs. The World Economic Forum ranked Colombia in third position in South America in the Energy Transition Index with significant potential to develop solar wind energy and biofuel sources ”.

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He also spoke of forestry agriculture. “Colombia’s location makes it suitable to host at least 10 forest species, and the government offers incentives for reforestation projects. I hope that many of you take advantage of this opportunity ”.

He also highlighted the potential of the agro-industrial sector. “Colombia has the climate, agriculture, knowledge and skills to harvest almost any crop, including high quality exports such as coffee, essential oils and spices, which can support the livelihoods and economic growth of many rural communities. . This approach will also help increase security in Colombia, especially for the most vulnerable, and reduce the impact that covid-19 has had on communities around the world ”.

And he mentioned the potential of invest in technology and innovation. “Colombia also promises to grow in the innovative technology sector. Before covid-19, according to The International Data Corporation, it had doubled its sales in the last seven years. Furthermore, the Government demonstrated great support for the technology sector including the establishment of new government benefits that include scholarships, mentoring, networks and other services to support innovation and entrepreneurship in this important field.

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