Bathers crammed beaches in Puerto Colombia without control


On the first holiday bridge, after the beaches were opened, hundreds of people went to Puerto Colombia, the majority without complying with sanitary measures.

In a tour carried out by EL HERALDO, it was possible to see the high number of people who are on the beaches, without the use of masks and without the distance of two meters required by the protocol established by the Ministry of Health.

In the Salgar sector, only one point is enabled for the measurement of temperature in one of the entrances, some enter before the eyes of the officials without going through this control. Most of the people do not use the mask and between kiosk and kiosk there are only a few centimeters of distance.

In addition, the points for hand sanitization are not appreciated on a long stretch of the beach. Alcohol consumption, prohibited according to the beach protocol, is not controlled either.

Some bathers admit that the measures are not being taken and others more daring say that they do not feel that they are taking some kind of risk.

“We thought this was going to be calmer, they only took our temperature, but there are no authorities monitoring that the rules are met,” said Josefina Ortega.

While Elis Guzmán said: “I don’t think anything will happen to us, we trust God that everything will be fine.”

Another point made by some visitors is related to the lack of cleaning and maintenance on the beaches.

On the beaches of El Country, Miramar and Pradomar there are also crowds.


Governor Elsa Noguera described the situation in Puerto as an “unacceptable” fact. Through her Twitter account, the president called on the authorities “not to make controls more flexible and to reduce capacity. And tourists to self-regulate ”.

They don’t follow the rules.

The Secretary of Health of the Port, Sthefany Freyle, said that there is a lack of commitment from tourists to comply with the measures, so given these circumstances they will consider taking other measures, which will be decided in an extraordinary government council cited this Tuesday . “We are consolidating the database to carry out a new screening and thus have clear references from the sector to make decisions.”

On the environmental issue, the Secretary of the Environment of the Port, Armando Sanjuan, said that the box culverts installed on the beaches, where the rainwater flows from the municipality, are maintained to avoid the damming of garbage that pollutes the sea .

Return plan

During the week of recess that ran from October 2 to 12, the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police reported a total of 6 road accidents, of which 12 were injured and 3 people were hospitalized.

2,931 subpoenas and 540 immobilisations were imposed. In addition, 18 drivers were caught intoxicated.

The lieutenant colonel, Jhon Mirque Neusa, head of the Barranquilla Transit and Transportation section, confirmed that 131,076 vehicles entered the city during the week and 167,748 left. Mirque Neusa clarified that these data may vary during the early morning.
