Bars in Cartagena: the hours and the areas that would open first | THE UNIVERSAL


Through resolution 1669 of 2020, the National Government through the Ministry of Health authorizes the consumption of liquor in bars and restaurants with the respective biosecurity protocols for the management and control of the risk of COVID-19. Read: They issue protocols for alcohol consumption in bars and restaurants

The norm gives the green light to the launch of the bar pilots and gives each mayor the responsibility of controlling the reopening of these establishments once they have the approval of the Ministry of the Interior.

“Resolution 1569 allows the pilots of bars according to the criteria of the mayors and according to the request made to the Ministry of the Interior for their respective approval. It is an issue that has been looking at for a long time and that must be looked at with all the care and with all the prevention since we all know that the agglomerations that are generated in the bars must be treated with great care and the mayors must have the capacity to to be able to control the pilots, ”said the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.

The work tables to design the pilot plan for bars in Cartagena are progressing and there are already several proposals that Asobares has presented to the District for study and subsequent approval. Read: Gradual opening of bars and clubs in Cartagena, under review

The last meeting was held yesterday afternoon and was attended by about 90 representatives of bars and owners of these establishments.

María Claudia Peñas, District advisor for economic reactivation, explained that the first phase of the pilot, which will last 15 days, will be developed with premises that provide outdoor services.

“Basically what we are beginning to review is the Mayor’s Office proposal that seeks for this pilot to last 15 days and initially be in open-air bars, obviously with liquor sales. We are reviewing the union’s proposals on issues such as schedules, number of people per reservation, if some bars see it feasible to focus on a particular neighborhood or if it would be throughout the city, ”said Peñas.

In this regard, María Teresa Vergara, president of Asobares Cartagena, said that they are satisfied with the protocols stipulated by the Ministry of Health for the consumption of alcohol in bars.

“For four months we worked incessantly hand in hand with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, so we appreciate the approval of the issuance of this resolution because it was a supremely important synergy between the public and the private for the construction of it” , he indicated.

The proposals

According to Vergara, they presented the following proposals for the launch of the pilot test to open bars in the city:

Campaign ‘Know how to live, know how to drink’: For Asobares Cartagena this is an important strategy to evaluate the behavior of citizens with alcohol consumption.

“We are clear that alcohol consumption is not what will stop or accelerate the spread of COVID-19. What does concern us is the excess consumption of liquor and that is why we have launched this strategy because Colombia is in default of being able to take on some challenges to ensure that each individual is responsible for the consumption of intoxicating beverages, ”said Vergara.

Opening areas: The union requests that the pilot plan start with the commercial establishments of the Historic Center, Bocagrande, Getsemaní and Pedro de Heredia Avenue.

“This is because they are places that can have some spaces with an open sky. There are sites that have terraces and patios that the District is requesting for this first phase, ”said Vergara.

In the application, the union asks the District Administration to evaluate the possibility that bars can make use of public space to locate tables and chairs in order to “provide a service taking into account the physical distance that is required between the persons”.

Schedule: Asobares Cartagena designed a gradual program for care in these places divided into three phases as follows:

Phase 1– To start in October, the service hours end at 1 in the morning.

Phase 2- in the month of November with service hours until 2 in the morning

Phase 3 – in the month of December with service hours until 4 in the morning.

Additionally, the union provided the District with new training on the management of sound in external space and a specialized biosecurity program.
