Bars: biosecurity protocols for liquor consumption in bars – Health


This Tuesday the Ministry of Health issued resolution 1569 that stipulates the biosecurity protocols that restaurants and bars must have for the consumption of intoxicating beverages.

The health portfolio warned in the document that the establishment that does not have the necessary infrastructure to apply the protocol will not be able to enable the service.

(Can read: Due to possible adverse reaction, Oxford vaccine tests suspended)

Additionally, the entity indicated that according to Decree 1168 the mayors of the
Municipalities and districts may request authorization from the Ministry of the Interior for
implementation of pilot plans “in establishments and commercial premises that provide restaurant or bar service, for the consumption of intoxicating beverages within the establishment or premises, as long as the biosecurity protocols and the regulations on agglomerations issued by the Ministry of Health for the development of this activity “.

In this sense, the authorization issued by the Ministry of the Interior will require the prior favorable opinion of the Ministry of Health.

If you are a client, you must take into account:

Measures for the user:

– Use the mask permanently covering the nose and mouth.

– Maintain the physical distance of two meters between person and person, different from their group, especially in places and areas marked to line up.

– Allow the temperature measurement upon admission.

(We recommend: A man who flew from Bogotá to Cartagena died of covid-19)

– Carry out hand washing with soap and drinking water at least every 3 hours, when
enter or when hands are contaminated with respiratory secretion, after
from coughing or sneezing, before and after using the bathroom or when they are visibly
dirty. Keep in mind that hand washing should last a minimum of 20 to 30

– Bring with you glycerinated alcohol at least 60% and mask.

– Refrain from entering if you have suspicious symptoms of covid-19, it has been
diagnosed as positive and has not completed the isolation period required to overcome the disease, or has cold symptoms.

– Find out about the conditions of use, access and capacity of the establishment.

– Leave the establishment if you have symptoms compatible with covid-19 and
check with the EPS.

– Handle your personal items such as wallets, backpacks, documents for
show them at the control point, in case the establishment carries out searches or
request documents for entry. There should be no contact between the requisitioner and the

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Other measures are:

– Prohibit dancing inside the establishment and in the areas that it has enabled to provide the service.

– Use the dance floors to adapt the tables.

– Eliminate the use of letters or physical menus. The use of screens, boards, billboards, applications, web pages or the use of QR codes is recommended.

– Inform customers about the prohibition of sharing food, drinks, drinks, cigarettes and hookahs.

– Prohibit the launching of ballots, foam, confetti, water or other elements or substances that can become sources of contagion.

– Ban items such as microphones from being shared.

– Use outdoor tables, preferably.

– Avoid the provision of food and products in bars or in the self-service mode, both for customers and employees, including items such as napkins, mixers, straws, bags of sugar and salt, etc.

If you have a bar or restaurant, keep in mind:

The tricks that bars use to make you spend more money

Adequacy measures

– Establish a control point at the entrance of the establishment where the
customer entry record, temperature measurement, self-declaration of health status, verification of correct use of the mask and performance of the hand disinfection procedure.

– Guarantee the natural circulation of air, to reduce the risk of spread.

(Read also: What are the biosecurity protocols for back to school?)

– All those closed spaces must have adequate ventilation before cleaning and disinfection begins, open exterior doors and windows to increase the circulation of outside air. When using air conditioners without HEPA filters (“High Efficiency Partióle Arresting”), cleaning, disinfection and maintenance must be carried out. If the air conditioning has HEPA filters, maintenance and replacement must be guaranteed according to the technical data sheet of said filters.

– Guarantee the physical distance of two meters between people on the bars, if applicable.

– Guarantee the physical distance of two meters between tables or groups of people.

– Mark the distribution of tables, chairs, bars and common areas, as far as possible, through the implementation of physical distancing systems.

– Avoid crowds in common areas such as bars, locker, closet, bathrooms,
defining strategies that guarantee physical distancing and minimize
accumulation of people in the same place such as: opening hours, operating shifts, reservation systems.

(In context: Selective isolation: this is the decree with all the details)

– Use marks on the floor to facilitate compliance with the measure of physical distancing. The different work and interaction positions with customers should be demarcated, including the kitchen area and waiting areas, bathrooms, ordering, payment and delivery of products to customers.

– Have at your disposal, permanently and sufficiently, minimal glycerinated alcohol
60% and maximum 95% in the common areas of the establishment, especially in the
entrance, exit, bar and box, for use by staff, suppliers and customers.
– Enable, if possible; an entrance door to the establishment and an exit door in order to control the flow and circulation of people.

– Prohibit the use of any type of decoration for special occasions.
– Have an establishment manager to locate and guide customers as indicated by the staff at the point of entry.

– Install in bathrooms, if possible, elements that reduce the contact of the
customers with surfaces such as swing doors without lock or push type,
automatic dispensers for toilet paper, paper towels, soap or alcohol
at least 60% glycerin and automatic or pedal taps.

(Can read: Who can leave and who cannot as of September 1?)

Download the resolution here:

Twitter: @LuisaMercadoD
nstagram: @ luisamercado1

Do you have any questions about this topic? You can do it to the email [email protected]
