Barrios stratum 5 and 6 of Bogotá do not have what to eat says foundation


According to Ruiz, in dialogue with Blu Radio, the coronavirus pandemic aggravated the phenomenon of “hidden poverty”In Bogotá and now not only concentrates in the town of Teusaquillo, but extended to Usaquén.

The director of Colombia Compartir, a foundation that works with families, generally wealthy and high-income, who have lost their jobs or businesses, leading them to give up their high lifestyleexplains that station.

“The shame of saying ‘I had and I no longer have’ is absolute. The families arrive at the foundation with their morale on the ground, on the verge of destruction … In wealthy neighborhoods, what a lavish thing to say strata 5 and 6, there is nothing to eat in the fridge. Physically there is no breakfast”, Assured Carolina Ruiz in the same medium.

So much so, added the director, that in recent months some 300 families have approached the foundation to receive collaboration.

Ruiz explained that humanity it has become accustomed to labeling poor people and helping those who are dirty, those who live in the lower strata and that is why these families living in the upper strata almost never receive subsidies or are assisted. “For these people, who apparently look good, there is absolutely nothing for that judgment,” he said and concluded:

“Some have their houses, they are paying for them, but it turns out that there is unemployment. They reach a point where they are already seized, they are already going to lose them. In very affluent neighborhoods of Bogotá I have families that have beautiful houses, but the debts are to such an extent that they can no longer do anything else, but they have to continue living there ”.

Next, the interview of the director of the Colombia Compartir foundation on Blu Radio:
