Barranquilla student obtained a perfect score in the Saber 11 test


Alejandro Salas Durán is a student at the Alexander Von Humboldt District College in Barranquilla. His effort and constant dedication were reflected in his strong performance on the Saber 11 tests.

Despite some difficulties and the change to virtuality, it achieved a rating of 500 out of 500, which is the perfect score.

Alejandro spoke with Noticias Caracol about his great achievement and commented that “it was a mutual effort between classmates from school, friends from other parts, from other municipalities, from other departments, we studied many hours”.
The restrictions against the coronavirus made it adapt to a new reality. The change to the virtual modality to receive his classes was not easy, but he assures that the key to having reached this result was discipline and perseverance as well as the constant support of his parents.

“That if you are disciplined you can achieve many things, that you do not do it alone, you will always have people around you who support you, who guide you and you will never be alone,” he said.

His father, Alexander Salas, affirmed that “the secret has been the good education he has received and especially because he is a boy who dedicates himself to his studies because he feels it, lives it, loves it, and I think that is the message for all young people, that they dedicate themselves with love, with affection and they will always obtain great things “.

Upon hearing the news of his great qualification in the Saber 11 test, one of the first people to give him a well-deserved congratulation was the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo.

“On behalf of Barranquilla to say that we are proud of you, that you receive this award, because it is a reward for your effort As you have said, with humility with a lot of cool head, understanding that this is one more step to fulfill your dreams, “said the president.

With much emotion, He dedicated his achievement to his schoolmates, his class and best friends, who were part of his training.

Now, Alejandro plans for the future to dedicate himself to fulfilling his great dream, studying Electrical Engineering and standing out as one of the best professionals in the country.
