Baloto today: why it’s hard to earn it


The Baloto is one of the draws that Colombians most want to win, although it is unlikely to obtain iteven when there are two chances to do so in each game.

It is not known for sure how many people participate in this game of chance every Wednesday and Saturday, but what is known is that there are very few jackpot winners, as the person who hits all the numbers is known.

Why is it so difficult to win the Ballot?

Although winning the Ballot seems easy, since you only have to match six numbers, the chances of you hitting all the digits are very low.

The reality is that there are 15’401.568 possible combinations, that is, whoever plays has an opportunity within 15’401.568, as reported by Portafolio.

What is behind this figure is the method of play. To win the jackpot people must match five numbers out of 43, for this they have five chances; this is equal to 962,598 possible combinations.

The above is much more complex when it must fall the superball, which is hitting a number within 16 possibilities. In other words, these 962,598 possible combinations must be multiplied by 16. Thus, the 15’401,568 possible combinations are obtained.

Winning minor prizes is also not a sign of success

When playing Baloto, you don’t always bet on the jackpot, or jackpot. Some people try to win minor prizes, a situation that is not easy and does not give great economic returns.

The first way to win is to hit the super ball. For this you must match a number of 16, but the prize will depend on the accumulated that is being played.

The second option to win is by hitting one, two, three or four ballots plus the super ballot. Here the possibilities also change. Pedro Agustín Monterrey, professor of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science program at Universidad del Rosario, pointed out that the option of One ballot plus a superball can occur in 11,930 ways. From then on, the options are much less.

The few success stories

To date, it is not known who the winners of the Ballot are. According to El Tiempo, between 2015 and 2017 only 27 people won the jackpot of this draw.

In that period, 16 people won the Ballot and 11 the rematch. In 2015 they were registered (7 of Baloto and 7 of revenge), while with the passage of time the ‘new millionaires’ were diminishing. In 2016 there were 6 and 4 winners of Baloto and Revancha, respectively. In 2017, three won the Ballot and one in the Rematch.

After that the format of the giveaway changed to the current one and fewer cases were registered. The most recent happened on November 24 in Medellín and the identity of the person who ‘hit’ him is unknown.

This is a quick and very explanatory guide to the chances of winning.

Beware of mental health and gambling

Playing this draw or lotteries of another kind is a fact that has happened in Colombia and around the world for decades. Even people who are addicted fall into the category of gamblers, a medical condition that must be treated with specialists.

If this condition is not controlled it could cause great family and personal problems. Some cases have lost their real estate, assets, and have acquired debts that lead to bankruptcy. While in others self-esteem is affected and they develop anxiety and depression.

In fact, the increase in gambling addictions in Colombia is so great that in 2020 an initiative was created in Congress to prevent this type of problem in society. In a study by the National University, cited by El Espectador, it was found that in a sample of 5,858 university students from the main cities of the country, 13.7% had a risk of creating a dependence on gambling.
