Back to school, gardens and universities: Know the protocols to avoid contagion – Bogotá


This Monday the Secretary of Education of Bogotá gave new details of how the eventual reactivation of schools (public and private) and higher education institutions in the capital will be. The plan was called GPS: as this is a ‘gradual, progressive and safe’ reopening

(In context: Bogotá City Hall explains how the plan to reopen schools will be)

One of the requirements for this is that they must comply with biosafety protocols.

Kindergartens and private schools must register their protocols on the page of the Secretary of Education of the SED District (Private gardens with SIRSS code will be forwarded to the page of the Secretariat of Social Integration). The protocols of the school or private garden will be reviewed by the District Secretary of Health and this will issue a concept on the viability of the reopening.

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Likewise, Institutions of Higher Education and Institutions of Education for Work and Human Development IETDH must register their protocols on the page of the Secretary of Education of the SED District. After that, the District Secretary of Health will review the protocols and make a subsequent communication to the institution that is authorized to start the reopening.

The Ministry of Education also assured that it will carry out a random control and monitoring scheme by the competent entities to verify compliance with the implementation of the biosafety protocols in these institutions.

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The District Secretary of Health gave some recommendations to the educational community, among which are:

• Guarantee the adequate verification of risk factors of the educational community (includes students, teachers and administrators and services) favoring work at home, in case of presenting a medical history of risk for covid-19.

• Compliance with the biosafety protocols previously established in each educational institution must be accompanied by the appropriate report and follow-up to what is established in the PRASS strategy, specifically, reference is made to guaranteeing the isolation of the student, teacher or administrative person who presents or has a family member with symptoms of covid-19 with or without test.

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• In the event of two or more cases of covid-19 in the institution, due notification must be made to the territorial entity since it will be configured as an outbreak and monitoring will be carried out by the health authority.

• The educational community must know the epidemiological situation of the territory where the educational institution is located, since, in the follow-up and monitoring carried out on the behavior of the epidemic, there may be sectors that must reduce its transmission and this implies a cessation of activities.

• Strengthen student-teacher-parent communication channels as well as consolidate information, education and communication strategies with the educational community.

• The biosafety protocols and the reports of symptomatic students and / or workers must be made in a link mounted on the page of the Ministry of Education with link provided by the District Secretary of Health.

• Students living with people with risk factors (elderly, comorbidities, etc.) are recommended to avoid presence.

Guidelines for making biosafety protocols

The Ministry of Education and Health issued the guidelines for the provision of the education service. The set of activities that takes place during the school day must be carried out in accordance with the protection and care measures that include:

to. Attendance at the educational service as long as there are no symptoms of illness.

b. Use of a mask that covers the nose and mouth for proper use.

c. Face masks can be manufactured by families and / or caregivers according to the
recommendations given in the guide of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

d. Establish a specific schedule for hand washing with soap and water at least every
3 hours preferably under adult supervision.
(before and after
consume food, when visibly dirty, before entering class
after breaks).

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and. Sanitize with antibacterial gel or glycerinated alcohol if there is contact with any
surface different from that of your personal furniture or there was displacement to another

F. Refrain from sharing food and materials as an expression of self-care
himself and the other.

g. Avoid touching your face, rubbing your nose and eyes.

h. Maintain a distance of 1 to 2 meters between people when interacting with them.
It is essential that each space or area of ​​the educational institution guarantees
this physical distancing.
According to this consideration, define the number of
people by space.

i. During food consumption:

– Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
– Remove the mask from the bands or rubber bands; Store conventional disposable or cloth mask in paper bag or sealed bag without wrinkling, while eating the food.
– Conventional or cloth masks should be changed if they get wet or if
they are visibly dirty, their maximum use is 1 day. The fabric mask al
to retire at home should be washed immediately with soap and water.

j. After eating:
– Put on the mask again, handling only the strips or elastics
of the same
– Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

k. Avoid carrying objects from the house such as toys, bows, balls, among others.

l. The use of gloves is not recommended, except for those who perform
cleaning and disinfection.

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m. Eliminate the holding of collective face-to-face meetings with families and
caregivers and carry them out remotely or individually.

n. Maintain a routine hand washing, especially after entering
contact with surfaces or objects is essential to prevent contagion, as well as
inform and guide on the proper use of protective implements and their
proper disposal of waste in garbage baskets.

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