Autoimmune diseases: First case of Kawasaki disease reported in Colombia | Health


Kawasaki’s disease, is autoimmune which produces a kind of ‘hyper inflammation’ in a large number of the organs of the human body, especially in the blood vessels.

Dr. Elkín Sánchez explains that This disease also affects the retina, and what worries doctors the most is the inflammation it produces in the arteries.Because this symptom can seriously affect the function of the heart.

Until now the scientific community is completely unaware of the causes of Ka Kawasaki Disease ’, in recent weeks several cases have been reported in various countries of the world.

The name comes from the Japanese pediatrician doctor Tomisaku Kawasaki, who discovered the disease in 1960, likewise, until now, no connection of Kawasaki disease with COVID-19 is unknown.

The first known case in Colombia of this disease was reported by the mother of a minor, who was taken to the emergency unit in the Mercy Hospital in Bogotá.

The child’s mother assures that the little boy was quarantining at home, and from one moment to the next he began to show different symptoms, that when being treated by specialist doctors determined that it was Kawasaki disease.

The symptoms that the woman describes are: fever, redness of the skin, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, skin rash and body swelling, the minor is in the intensive care unit of the aforementioned hospital.
