Assassination of Álvaro Gómez: Duque’s harsh words about recognition of the Farc in the case – JEP Colombia – Justicia


The investigation into the assassination of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, a fact that turned 25 on November 2, took an unexpected turn at the beginning of October 2020, when former leaders of the once guerrilla The FARC sent a letter to the JEP acknowledging its responsibility in the assassination of the conservative leader.

(It may interest you: Álvaro Gómez Hurtado: 25 years of an assassination)

Regarding this statement, the Sergio Arboleda University, which was co-founded by Gómez Hurtado in 1984, organized an academic debate to highlight the consequences of this version of the FARC.

One of the guests at the event was the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, who was a student of Álvaro Gómez and spoke with him a few hours before his murder.

During his speech, the president questioned the intentions of the ex-guerrillas by acknowledging their responsibility for the assassination.

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Duke in debate for assassination of Álvaro Gómez

President Iván Duque expressed his doubts about the attribution of the ex-FARC in the assassination of the conservative leader Álvaro Gómez.

As he said, “the investigation has to reach the real truth, not the truth elaborated for purposes that are now quite doubtful. That groups appear to claim such an assassination, but with undetermined responsibilities, saying that this was thought more than 30 years ago. and that those who participated are no longer in the earthly world, it seems like a kind of operetta to try to build a petri metri of procedural tailoring at the service of who knows who “.

(Also read: The storm that the FARC unleashed due to the crime of Gómez Hurtado)

The investigation has to arrive at the real truth, not at the truth elaborated for purposes that today are quite doubtful

And he added: “If responsibilities are awarded and there is a transitional territory, let them not say it in letters or speeches, let them say it before the courts, with the gravity of an oath.” Duque also asked that the investigations continue to be carried out and that the Prosecutor’s Office assume jurisdiction in cases of those who are outside the framework of transitional justice.

(It may be of your interest: Duque reiterates doubt due to the attribution of ex-FARC in the crime of Álvaro Gómez)

In addition, the president criticized the actions of the Farc regarding reparation. “To those who boast of having ordered and committed crimes, how important to say that it hurts that the reparation of the victims, who supposedly were at the center of transitionality, has not been made effective.”

What the Gómez Hurtado family says

Mauricio Gómez Escobar, son of the conservative leader, also participated in the debate, who presented a recording from March 1995, in which Álvaro Gómez talks about the peace talks with the FARC guerrillas, and “he is throwing some taunts at the Samper government for not stopping them” at these dialogues.

For Mauricio Gómez, the video “is proof that the FARC did not assassinate my father, who was the only person who was talking about talking to them. I don’t think that was a reason for the FARC to kill him. “, he assured.

Another of the reasons that the journalist today launched to assure that the FARC lie is the extemporaneousness of the recognition. “The FARC do a revolutionary act par excellence, which is to assassinate the main enemy of their ideas, and are they doing that in order not to claim it? Not only did they not claim it, but they kept it for 25 years.

(Also read: Assassination of Gómez Hurtado: Does Senator Julián Gallo Tell the Truth?)

Álvaro Gómez Hurtado murder

Álvaro Gómez Hurtado’s family has come out to categorically deny the version given by the ex-FARC leaders. According to the version of the ex-guerrillas, the gunman was alias Profe.

Another of Mauricio Gómez’s targets of criticism was the Truth Commission, because, according to what he said, it is accepting a proven lie, referring not only to the statement of the Farc, but also to that of former president Ernesto Samper.

In turn, Enrique Gómez Martínez, Gómez Hurtado’s nephew and representative of the family in the criminal process, assured that, if the Farc’s version is accepted, according to which this group is responsible for the crime, the investigating entities will take “thousands of hours” of investigations trying to establish the facts, “knowing that this hypothesis is false and, meanwhile, the 332 evidence that has been gathered on the hypothesis of the crime of State in the administration of Ernesto Samper, will be detained, in an investigative traffic jam “.

The director of the CTI speaks at the time of the assassination

Hernán Gonzalo Jiménez, who was at the head of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) on the date of Gómez Hurtado’s murder, said that it is regrettable that after 25 years the authorities have not been able to determine those responsible and, furthermore, stressed that the evidence collected has diverted the investigation and left those truly responsible for impunity.

Regarding the recognition of the Farc, the former director of the CTI assured that “This acceptance has generated surprise in all investigators and prosecutors that they have known about this investigation. “According to Jiménez, who said he had called them before taking part in the event,” they expressed their surprise, because in the lines of investigation that have been advanced until today, nowhere did there appear any indication that could point to the subversive organization as a participant in this assassination. “

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However, Jiménez stressed that from the point of view of criminal law no hypothesis can be ruled out, but he made it clear that The acceptance of the responsibility of the Farc has no probative value.

For this reason, the former members of the demobilized guerrilla “must reveal the circumstances of time, manner and place, the motivations, who were their collaborators, if the hundreds of testimonies received to divert the investigations are part of a strategy of the Farc, if the witnesses were members of the guerrillas, because there is no possibility that the Colombian criminal justice system can accept, after 25 years, simply a confession of that nature. “

(Read on: ‘Santrich’ reappears and talks about the murder of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado)

My will is with the victims, and in this particular case, with the family of Dr. Gómez

Truth Commissioner Supports the Gomez Family

Carlos Ospina, a member of the Truth Commission, also participated in the debate. He pointed out that, as a commissioner, his maxim is that the victims are at the center of the process. For this reason, in front of the statement of the Farc claiming responsibility for the assassination, he pointed out: “My will is with the victims, and in this particular case, with the family of Dr. Gómez.

Commissioner Ospina proposed three courses of action. In the first, he spoke about the fact that judicial authorities can delve into all possible theses, in order to arrive at the procedural truth. Second, that the institutions in charge of the reconstruction of history, truth and memory can advance in investigations into what Álvaro Gómez’s work represented in the country and the impact of his murder. By last, asked that there be unrestricted support in the investigation route that the Gómez family is carrying out in search of the truth.

(It may be of interest to you: There is another ex-FARC alive as a cell that claims to have murdered Á. Gómez)

Ospina revealed that the Truth Commission, the National Center for Historical Memory and the Sergio Arboleda University will prepare a report that allows the case to be studied in a tripartite manner.

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