Assassinated leaders: Captured perpetrator of the crime of environmentalist Juana Perea – Government – Politics


As Néstor Leonel Lozano, the material author of the murder of the Colombian-Spanish environmentalist Juana Paerea, which occurred on October 29 in Nuquí, Chocó, was identified.

According to the Attorney General of the Nation, Francisco Barbosa, Lozano was captured this Sunday, in a joint operation between the Prosecutor’s Office, the National Police and the National Navy.

“He was presented before a guarantee control judge and will be charged with the crimes of aggravated homicide and concert to commit a crime, in addition to this, on October 31 another person was captured and apparently he was the one who drove the boat in which the crime was perpetrated, ”said Barbosa.

(See also: The symbolic meeting between Duque and the Farc)

Faced with this advance, President Iván Duque, who is in Bolivia attending to the government’s agenda, revealed that the captured belongs to the Clan del Golfo.

“We hope that the authorities will quickly continue to clarify everything that has to do with the presence of this criminal structure in Nuquí,” said Duque.

Since 2012, when the British NGO Global Witness presented the first report of murdered environmental leaders in the world, The Philippines, Brazil and India had topped the list of the most dangerous places for environmental defenders.

For the first time, Colombia occupied the shameful first place of the countries with the most assassinated environmental leaders in the report presented this year. The chilling figure is 64 deaths in 2019. So far, the figure for Colombia is the highest registered by the NGO.

