Army commander says 30 soldiers have been removed


After the scandal over the “secret folders”, the result of illegal espionage by the Army of journalists, opposition leaders and human rights defenders, General Enrique Zapateiro, in an interview with Noticias RCN, said that the institution has investigated for years , irregular behaviors of several men.

He assured that the profiles are totally out of the law, and that those who incurred them crossed “Red lines that intelligence cannot pass”.

Zapateiro told this newscast that a counterintelligence operation called the ‘Staff’ mission has been carried out from the ranks in order to “Detect, prevent and neutralize” internal threats by the Army uniforms themselves.

As a result of ‘Bastón’, said the general, so far, the Army has withdrawn from service 30 men and he has transferred 35 others for irregular conduct during his tenure.

Defense Ministry denies information to the Truth Commission

“This tries to cushion all the news we have. A person who is selling information […] it hurts us a lot and it loses a lot of economy of force from our soldiers, ”said the general.

Despite the fact that Zapateiro arrived with RCN News with a folder containing information on the ‘Bastón’ operation, he told the newspaper that he could not reveal any document on that counterintelligence plan.

In fact, he said that the leak of information is one of the behaviors that most concern him, and hinted that it may be a trend in the institution.

Army reference image / María Jimena Duzán

“That is why I am worried, because documents are flying around and the media are saying they have them […]. Who leaked the document?which is one of the irregularities [que investiga ‘Bastón’]”He added.

Immediately afterwards, he launched the Biblical quotation to speak of the uniformed that they commit illegal conducts: “Jesus Christ had 12 apostles and 2 of them failed him; I have 230,000 men and women in the Army, how many can fail me?

In this sense, he assured that this is why he is outraged, since he affirms that 99% of his lines are working and doing things well, while the remaining 1% is the one that fails.



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The horrible video shows the woman, wearing boxing gloves, hitting the dog with at least 9 punches and in one of them screams: u201c u00a1I hit him so hard, I felt him! u201d.


Before that, the person who is recording says: u201c We are boxing animals. U00a0 u00bfD u00f3where is Sarah McLachlan? u201d, referring to the singer and well-known animal rights activist, whose songs have been featured in commercials for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


Internet users who saw the images did not hesitate to denounce the woman, the Idaho Humanitarian Society (IHS) said last Monday, who opened an investigation for animal abuse. , publishes the New York Post.



The investigation is pending review at the local prosecutor's office over an indictment decision, IHS spokeswoman Kristine Schellhaas said, quoted by the same outlet.


According to the New York newspaper, the prosecutor, who has already identified the heartless woman but of whom she did not reveal her identity, will accuse her of the crime of "hitting and harassing the animals u201d from the state of Idaho, for which you can pay up to 6 months in prison and a fine of 5,000 dollars, about 20 million Colombian pesos.







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The local authorities, likewise, reported that a friend of the victim, who was accompanying him when the event happened, He was the one who called the emergency services for help.


According to the testimony of this subject, the man, who responded to the initials D.G.D, was stung on one of his eyebrows by an Asian hornet after verifying that there was a nest of this species next to the bee hives that he cared for., located very close to your home.


Although he was immediately transferred to a medical center, the victim of 54 years of age lost his life due to the attack by the giant insect, technically known as vespa velutina.



n n Avispu00f3n gigante u2018Vespa mandariniau2019 n n



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This Asian hornet, which mainly feeds on bees, it can be up to five centimeters long, and its stinger is so powerful that it sometimes pierces the beekeeper's suits.


Although they are very similar in physical appearance and tend to be almost as dangerous, the velutina scooter is different from the mandarin, who recently arrived in the United States. In addition, this last one is bigger, since it measures approximately 8 cm.

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"," seo ":" Ernesto Samper had his passport tracked by military intelligence "}," phrases ": {" main ":" The passport photo of the former president, as u00ed like that of two of her collaborators, she was found in the Cybercrime battalion in the middle of a raid. 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The inspection of that military command was carried out in December 2019, but Noticias Caracol revealed that information, this Monday, in a report on the personal documents of various political figures and human rights defenders who were in the hands of military intelligence.


This was how the newscast released the images of Ernesto Samper's passports, with exit and entry stamps for the country, by Mateo Alejandro C u00f3rdoba and Lina Mar u00eda Mej u00eda Torres. The latter are two professionals who work at the Vivamos Humans Foundation, an NGO that, according to their description, works with national and international organizations in peacebuilding processes in Colombia.


The newscast asked Samper about this information that was found in the military garrison, in Facatativ u00e1, and his reaction was uneasy about the find.


u201cAlthough it is not bad to be on the list of those who are good, which is what these people who were criminally using state intelligence agencies were working on, as it does not cease to produce a certain surprise, especially when they look for my passport photo when all the activities of Vivamos Humans are fulfilled within Colombia, the former president said.


Samper also commented, in the newscast, that it is worrying that these intelligence follow-ups are in the hands of members of the public force, on the subject of the new school of interceptions from the Army journalists, magistrates, politicians and human rights defenders.


In fact, the foundation has ruled on the new illegal interceptions that bind the Army.




The trace to former President Samper was discovered after Magistrate Cristina Lombana ordered to raid that battalion, because El Espectador unveiled than The official received an email on December 17, 2019, where she was given specific details. He chasta with names of officers who were apparently involved in the illegal interceptions.



n n Ministerio de Defensa niega informaciu00f3n a Comisiu00f3n de la Verdad n n



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In the text of the message, according to that medium, it was noted that the former president and head of the Democratic Center allegedly obtained u201cdata reserved u201d through that military intelligence, and that the recipient of those Actions outside the law is Mr. Uribe V u00e9lez u201d.


This information was denied by former President Uribe himself., and media such as Noticias Uno mentioned former Deputy Minister of Justice Rafael Nieto Loaiza as the recipient of these data.


Nieto Loaiza reacted immediately and denied having received that information, said that there was a slander against him and requested a rectification.

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According to the portal, u00a0Mej u00eda u00a0 was captured last April u00a028 in the municipality of Santiago Nonualco, in El Salvador, along with 10 other people, after the prosecutor accused him of the murder of soldier Jhonis Alex u00e1nder Delgado Canales, 20 years old, occurred on April 26, 2019.


Last May 6, the family of u00a0Luis Iv u00e1n was left in u2018shock u2019 when they were informed that he had died, because they knew that he was in good health and had no disease, indicates the same medium.


They told us that he had died of coronavirus and that we did not veil it or open the box, but on paper they gave us something else; in addition, if he had died of that coronavirus, they would not have delivered it to us, but rather one of the hospital would have taken him to bury, Adela Mej u00eda, mother of the dead man, told the same portal.


When a family member found out, last Wednesday, that Luis Iv u00e1n Mej u00eda was being transferred to the Santa Teresa hospital, his sister and a cousin ran out there, but when they arrived they were told that He was dead and both the doctors and the police did not let them see the body, details.


Despite the fact that the doctors told the relatives of Mej u00eda not to watch over him and to bury him quickly because there was death by COVID-19, many doubted that version and opened the ata u00fad before burying him.



To the great surprise, the body of the Salvadoran was handcuffed and beaten. His whole face was bloody and he was wrapped in a white sheet. They also noticed that they had jagged teeth. u201d, even though he always had good teeth, the portal details.


Although they did not review the body in more detail, they took photos of his face and the handcuffs, to make the complaint and request an investigation to clarify the facts.


For their part, the police in El Salvador responded that, supposedly, one day before the deaths, Luis Iv u00e1n Mej u00e3 had fever, body aches, and vomited blood, reason why he was transferred to the hospital, where he later died, adds


Concerning the handcuffs, Commissioner Oscar Aguilar, the police chief of the La Paz department, said that the officers did not want to take them off due to a health issue. u201d, that means ends.



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var gFirtsArticle = {"id": "PP896864", "titles": {"main": "" Jesus had 12 ap u00f3stoles and 2 failed him; I have 230,000 men ... ": General Zapateiro", "facebook": "Commander of the Army spoke of the men who failed him with the 'shots'", "seo": "Shots: commander of the Ej u00e9rcito says that they have withdrawn 30 uniformed "", "phrases": {"main": "The commander of the National Army spoke of the profiles made to journalists and said that from the institution 30 uniformed have been removed. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nacion "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nacion / bullshit-army-commander-says-they-have-retired-30-uniformed-PP896864 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" david.aponte "," name ":" David Aponte " }, "owner": {"id": "", "name": "", "image": "", "profile": "", "url": "", "twitter": {"title" : "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook": "", "email": "", "linkPersonal": "", "teamPulzo": "", "short_text": "", "large_text" : ""}}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "censorship": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", "ext": "jpg", "created": "May 11, 2020 08:35 pm", "updated": 1589229339, "images": {"meta ": {" title ":" General Zapateiro, Army commander talks about profiling. "," credit ":" Screenshot RCN News. "," description ":" General Zapateiro, Army commander talks about profiling. "," alt ":" General Zapateiro, Army Commander speaks of profiling. "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro.webp "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-150x150.webp "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-420x278.webp , "large": "https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-900x485.webp", "vertical": "https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20200511193315 /zapateiro-592x350.webp "," gif ":" " } }, "videos": {"main": {"image": "", "url": "", "title": "", "embeded": ""}}, "externalUrl": "", " carousel ":" 0 "," trinoTW ":" "," liveBlog ":" 0 "," shorthand ":" "," audio ":" https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP896864.mp3 "," tags ":["Chuzadas","Eju00e9rcito Nacional","general Enrique Zapateiro"], "sources":[{"title":"Comandante del Eju00e9rcito explica de quu00e9 se trata la polu00e9mica misiu00f3n 'Bastu00f3n'","url":"","source":"Noticias RCN ","fuente":"Noticias RCN "}], "related":["",""], "body2": " n n

After the scandal by u00a0las u201c secret folders u201d, the result of illegal espionage by the Army of journalists, opposition opposition leaders and human rights defenders, General Enrique u00a0Zapateiro, in an interview with Noticias RCN, He said that in the institution they have investigated, for years, irregular behaviors of several men.


He assured that the profiles are totally out of the law, and that those who incurred them crossed red lines that intelligence cannot pass u201d.


Zapateiro told this newscast that a counterintelligence operation called mission u2018Bast u00f3n u2019 has been brought forward from the ranks to be able to u00a0 u201cdetect, prevent and neutralize u201d internal threats by the uniformed men of the Army.


As a result of u2018Bast u00f3n u2019, the general said, so far, the Army has withdrawn from service 30 men and he has transferred 35 others for irregular conduct during his tenure.



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u201cThis tries to cushion all the news we have. A person who is selling information [u2026] It hurts us a lot and it loses a lot of economy of force from our soldiers, "said the general.


Despite the fact that Zapateiro arrived with RCN News with a folder where he recorded the information about the operation Basis u2018Bast u00f3n u2019, he told that media that he could not reveal any document on that plan counterintelligence.


In fact, he said that the leak of information is one of the behaviors that worries him the most, and hinted that it may be a trend in the institution.



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That's why I'm worried, because there are documents out there flying around and the media saying they have them [u2026]. u00bfQui u00e9n leaked the document?which is one of the irregularities [que investiga u2018Bastu00f3nu2019] u201d, I added.


Immediately afterwards, he launched the Biblical quote to talk about the uniformed men who commit illegal conduct: u201cJesus Christ had 12 apostles and 2 of them failed him; I have 230,000 men and women in the Army, u00bfcu u00e1ntos can they fail me? u201d.


In that sense, he assured that this is why he is outraged, since he affirms that 99% of his lines are working and doing things well, while the remaining 1% is the one that fails.

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