Aries – Saturday, April 25, 2020: You are awake, active and with a lot of enthusiasm | Aries horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon is in transit by the sign of Gemini in the vibration of six, which indicates love, family, home. The retrograde movement of the planetoid Pluto is initiated by the sign of Capricorn, the other planets follow directly. Your ruler, the planet Mars transits through Aquarius.

In this stage that you have, no matter what has happened, you will know how to face the problems and the dilemmas that arise.

There is a new dynamic in your life and with the emergence of retrograde Pluto hidden springs of your inner being move, you discover love where you thought there was friendship.

On the other hand, this Saturday, already in the middle of the new year of life, paths and doors that were closed for a long time are opening and once the coronavirus crisis is over, you will emerge with more strength, renewed, like a phoenix rising from its ashes .

The noblest signs of the zodiac


Your ruler, the planet Mars, continues to expand in the air element, very closely related to you, and this weekend you will feel a romantic wave in your environment, a kind of approach towards who was away from you for a time, but who is now approaching and illuminate your loving horizon.

Wait awhile before starting a new treatment that has not been properly investigated because you could be a kind of guinea pig in a unique experiment.

Good job news for the natives of Aries who, due to the coronavirus situation, have been very concerned about their work efforts. The rest of the second quarter of the year comes with very good news about it.

The spread of three cards in the tarot


Money and fortune
The expected money will arrive soon, but perhaps there will be a delay today due to Pluto’s retrograde action, which does not mean a negative, but simply an extension.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Saturday: high.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: your natural talent to face and solve new and complex situations with an executive attitude.
Today’s dangerous trend in your Aries sign: jump into a purchase you don’t need.
What should I avoid ?: intransigence.

Quote of the day: when difficulties arise creativity flourishes.

Couple prediction for today saturday
The best relationship today: this Saturday there is very good compatibility with fire signs such as yours, Aries and Sagittarius, also with Aquarius.
The most tense relationship: avoid confrontations with natives of Capricorn.
Your current compatibility: you vibrate in good vibes with signs of fire and air, also with Taurus, which is from earth.
If you are single or single: it will bring you closer to who can change your emotional life.

The call of Santa Muerte
