April 26, 2020 horoscope | Plan your activities very well | Horoscopes


Today, Sunday, April 26, 2020, the Moon goes through the Gemini sign in the vibration of seven that indicates knowledge, the desire to study. All the planets are direct except Pluto, which is still retrograde in Capricorn.

You’re loaded with work, and that’s good, but at the same time it requires a high dose of organization so you don’t get overwhelmed by what you can’t solve. If you plan your activities in advance everything will be possible and you will not torment yourself, this is very important especially now with retrograde Pluto in conjunction with Jupiter.

Fun facts of a Taurus


If you are native to the element fireThat is, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you will get out of a difficult economic situation very well. You are in the midst of a process of revitalizing your finances and you can even receive a touch of inspiration in chance, games, the lottery or a totally unexpected gift.

You explore the possibility of putting your money to work in a new business with someone with a lot of initiative, but little experience. Do not be improvised, it requires knowledge.

A warning: in the sentimental field you will be beginning a very intense stage, even, what you least thought can happen and that person who has been away from you will return to your side in due course, when you most want it.

If your sign is Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, or telluric, of the element EarthSo this Sunday your words do not fall on deaf ears and the person to whom they are addressed assimilates and understands them.

Love is spinning you and if you insist you will manage to melt the hardest hearts and bring passion closer to your life, as it was before.

You receive a healing vibration that helps you regain energy and gives you the strength to get out of a light infectious process.

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For the natives of the element airThat is to say, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, take advantage of this cycle to assess the advantages and disadvantages you are receiving in your workplace and take concrete measures to overcome everything that prevents you from developing and if it is necessary to look for another more appropriate job.

You will have resources to face an unforeseen economic situation and you will be able to solve your financial problems in an admirable way. The collaboration of a person from abroad will be of great importance to achieve this.

Finally the natives of the element Water, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the dynamism around you is very high, and the energy level unsuspected.

It is very possible that right now you are experiencing intense romantic concerns in your life. If so, the possibility of romance is very close to you.

Face your emotional reality directly and you will see. If you stay alert these days you will see the good working streak next to be enjoying.

And so you know more about it, go to our Univision Horoscopes page right now and look for the prediction for your specific sign today Sunday.

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