Antanas Mockus says that Gustavo Petro must be in a center-left coalition


In an interview with Semana magazine, the former mayor of Bogotá stated that Gustavo Petro should be part of the center-left coalition, formed at the beginning of February to confront Uribism in the next elections of 2022.

“I like the coalition. However, I think he lacks the female voice. Yes [debe estar Petro en esta unión política]”, The former presidential candidate specifically stated in dialogue with the publication.

Antanas Mockus, likewise, He pointed out that he does not agree with the decision that the leader of Human Colombia is vetoed by this political community, of which his party is part.

“We are not asking for a ticket to a consultation, but to make a single consultation of democratic forces. The historical Pact is not only at the top of society, it is fundamentally with the people. To build the Historical Pact of the Colombian nation ”, indicated Petro.

Through a statement, the Green Alliance presented the politicians who will be in the coalition and will support a candidacy for that movement. For the most part, they are old acquaintances: Sergio Fajardo, Juan Fernando Cristo, Jorge Robledo, Iván Marulanda, Angélica Lozano, Ángela María Robledo, Antonio Sanguino, Humberto de la Calle and Juan Manuel Galán.

Mockus, who is still recovering from an operation to control Parkinson’s, He also spoke in Semana about the possible presidential candidacy of Alejandro Gaviria, current rector of the Universidad de los Andes.

According to the former senator of the Republic, Gaviria would be a good contender in the 2022 elections for “his personality traits and his lucidity”, while he highlighted that Sergio Fajardo looks a bit worn.
