Anonymous would have hacked the page of the Colombian Police


The group of hackers ‘Anonymous’ would have rendered the page of the Colombian Police unusable, at least this is how several accounts related to the group of ‘activist hackers’ claim that they do not have a clear face or a specific leader.

This attack, apparently, is about a DDos or Denial of Service Attack, where servers collapse due to the large amount of traffic that they can receive in a short time using bots and other engineering techniques. At the time of publication of this note, the Police page is still down and there has been no official pronouncement by the Colombian authorities. (See update at the bottom of the article)

This is how the page of the Colombian Police looks at the moment:

These are some of the messages on Twitter that several accounts have published and that led Anonymous to be a trend on the afternoon of Saturday, September 12:

The tweet translated into Spanish reads: “Colombian police with the order of Narcoparaco president Iván Duque perpetrate the largest massacre in the world in less than 48 hours. More than 13 people killed by gunfire. A woman raped and hundreds of young people injured and missing by firearms “

Updated Saturday, September 12. 7:00 pm.

The National Police through its Twitter account has reported that it is not supposedly an attack and it is: “the Internet service provided by a well-known company has been intermittent since before noon today, due to a technical failure registered in Bogotá … “

This is the statement:
