Announcer who attacked his girlfriend in Atlántico says he has an emotional problem


The events occurred on February 24 in a fast food establishment in the town of Santa Lucía, in Atlántico, but it was thanks to the release of the video that citizens showed solidarity with the victim, Karen molinares, and authorities provided support.

But although the woman has not referred to the case, the one who has shown herself publicly in the media and social networks is the aggressor, Rubén Villa, who, according to what Zona Cero says, “tried to go from aggressor to victim” in an interview he gave to Emisora ​​Atlántico.

In his pronouncement, the announcer began by offering excuses “that come from the heart”, He said that “dirty clothes are washed at home” and that he is not willing to “say what people want to hear”.

In addition, he blamed the media in Barranquilla for disclosing his personal life and “adding fuel to the fire,” and criticized them because, according to him, “they are not looking for a second chance for Rubén Villa, a solution to the mistreatment of women.” .

The man said that he currently “suffers from a psychological problem” that led him to react like this, and assured that he did hit his girlfriend It was because he saw her talking to another person at a table and that could have made him jealous.

Villa had already appealed to this jealousy argument, as if wanting to unload part of the responsibility on the woman, in an interview he gave to Ojo de la Calle, where he added another ingredient to justify his behavior.

“I have emotional dependency problems. When, suddenly, the people in your home do not receive that affection. That love like the one I give to my daughters who, of course, I have never touched, “he said.

Ex-wife of announcer Rubén Villa says he does not answer for his daughter

Regarding the issue of his daughters, who should not be involved in this situation, the ex-wife of Rubén Villa also spoke on the local station, and said that all she asks is that “the full weight of the law falls” because she He also suffered from his blows and aggressiveness.

The woman, Karen Elena Castillo, assured that she separated from the announcer because “he has always been violent,” and even said that she has a 13-year-old daughter who hardly helps her to support her.

“The relationship with Rubén Villa now as a father is terrible,” said Castillo.

With these antecedents involved, the secretary of the Atlantic Woman, Dorita Bolívar, assured that in the case of Karen Molinares, they are already “providing her with all the social and legal support so that she can continue with all the actions once she has placed the complaint in the Public Prosecutor’s Office ”.

This was the complaint on social networks that was made against the man.
