Animal abuse: Sena looks for the 4 dogs they took from the Malambo headquarters – Barranquilla – Colombia


‘Shakira’ It is the name of the dog that at noon this Friday returned to the Seine headquarters in Malambo, the place where 48 hours ago, along with three other dogs, she was doped and put in a sack to later be thrown in an area bewitched by workers of the entity.

The regional director of the Seine, Jaqueline Rojas, said that the dog was immediately treated by a veterinarian who checked her, in addition to hydrating she was given food and is currently in a veterinary clinic under observation.

‘Shakira’ As the watchmen and officials of the Seine call her, she is in good health.(Read: They denounce that in the Seine they drowned dogs in bags until they were killed)

The Atlantic Environmental Police and staff from the Seine, Atlantic region, continue with the search for the other three dogs that were sedated from the headquarters, a procedure that has generated rejection and criminal complaints.

“So far they have not been found,” says a statement from the institution in which the institution assures that: “according to the video evidence and photographs known yesterday afternoon, the animals were alive.”

The general director of the Sena, Carlos Mario Estrada Molina, and the Atlantic regional director, Jaqueline Rojas, rejected the act, stating that the policies and values ​​of the Sign they watch over the care of animals and protection, as well as the environment.

According to video evidence and photographs known yesterday afternoon, the animals were alive

The entity’s Office of Internal Disciplinary Control reported that it is progressing in the disciplinary investigation against the alleged perpetrators and “advances the collection of information that allows full individualization and identification of those who must respond in discipline and with the appropriate sanctions.

“For the time being, those allegedly implicated have been removed from their duties at the Training Center”
says the statement.

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The case was reported on Wednesday, October 14 at the headquarters of the Metalworking Center of the municipality of Malambo, in the metropolitan area of ​​Barranquilla, and they were publicly known through social networks and the media, about the transfer of canines outside of the headquarters in question.

The four dogs were not transferred to a farmAs stated initially, they were left in the rural area of ​​the Caracolí village, Malambo.

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