Andrés Cadavid controversial statements of the VAr in classic Medellin vs Nacional 2021 | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League


On the 80th minute of the game, Alex Castro and Juan David Mosquera had an encounter in the left sector of the field, after a couple of encounters, the Nacional player reacts by answering Mosquera and James Sánchez, with which a controversy arose in the that the Medellín players ask the central Mario Herrera to go to the VAR to analyze the play. However, the Meta judge said that the VAR signal was gone and a possible expulsion cannot be analyzed, to which Andrés Cadavid at the end of the game and wearing the DIM shirt backwards, spoke at a press conference about this situation of play.

“My words are going to be short, I want to congratulate the rival and our boys for the game we played, for the tactics we handled. At the game level, the tactical movements were very good and we knew that in a stopped ball or in a transition we could generate damage ”, indicated Cadavid.

In addition, “speaking in another context, I go out to speak with the shirt backwards, I want to speak on behalf of all Colombian football and put what happened in context. The VAR is here to help us, so that football is better and fairer, I don’t want to create controversy, just tell what happened and that each one take their opinion. On the field of play there were two expulsions, for two actions by the same player in a row. Regardless of whether he has been a Nacional player or has spent with another team ”.

Continuing with his story, Cadavid explained that “there were two actions that could have been a red card, one that is with the ball hits him in the face and the other, a possible head butt to James (Sánchez) who for a play similar to a player of the Junior was expelled. We told the referee to consider the play, but the mistake or I don’t know what could happen, the VAR signal goes away and in professional football, in a league as important as Colombia, the signal cannot be gone in one play. like a possible red card. Hence the referee (Mario Herrera) tells me that the signal is gone and I answer that we cannot continue while the signal is not there ”.

“Then there is a change in the rival for the player who is suddenly sent off (Alex Castro), after the change, the referee comes and says, ‘the signal has arrived’, so I tell him to watch the play and expel him, return the change, but the referee considered continuing the game. That’s how far I go, that’s where I’m going to talk, because we’re playing money, prestige. I’m not talking because it was National, it can go through any team, that’s why I come to speak without a shield. But it is not possible in a League like the Colombian one, it gives prestige to the team and it has to be in a perfect way, the VAR goes in a possible red, then I just put them in context and everyone will see what they think and that does not think. But it is a call that I come on behalf of all footballers and let’s look at what is happening with the VAR, we want it to be a tool and not something that generates controversy”, He added.

The DIM coach, Hernán Darío Gómez also referred to the issue and supported the words of the red captain. “The dressing room, the players and everyone in Medellín give our full support to the statements of the captain (Andrés Cadavid) where he is being formative, wanting to help Colombian football, they are calm statements that came on behalf of all of us as captain. He did not point to anyone, but he wants to train and wants to help ”.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
FUTBOLRED correspondent
On twitter: @ juanchoserran8
