Ana María Castro: Testimony of Mateo Reyes on the violent death of the young woman – Investigative Unit


A few hours after the young Ana María Castro was declared clinically dead, on March 5, 2020, the Prosecutor’s Office summoned Mateo Reyes Gómez, the man whom witnesses found next to his bloodied body, to testify.

(Also read: ‘Ana María Castro’s family does not want money but justice’)

Mateo was the third passenger in the black Kia truck, from where a witness claims to have seen how the 21-year-old girl was thrown, like a “rag doll”, causing injuries to his skull and body that later caused his death.

The other two, Paul Naranjo and Julián Ortegón, are already behind bars, accused of aggravated femicide. However, very little is known about Mateo Reyes, who was by Ana María’s side for the last seven hours of her life.

EL TIEMPO exclusively obtained all of Mateo’s account of his relationship with the young woman, the people who accompanied them, if there was drug use and what happened inside the Kia truck. This newspaper also had access to the versions of other people who arrived at the place where Ana María was dumped, and they assure that Mateo gave other information that he did not give to the Prosecutor’s Office, at least in that first version.

(We invite you to read: Defense of Paul Naranjo offers compensation for the death of Ana María)

“I think I met Ana María Castro more than a year ago, through mutual friends, at the house of my friend Andrés C. We were friends, we only saw each other when there were parties,” Mateo told the Prosecutor’s Office.

And he assured that On Wednesday, March 4, at 4:30 in the afternoon, he sent her a message to go out for a drink with friends.


Mateo was the third passenger in the Kia truck, black, from where a witness says he saw how the 21-year-old girl was thrown.

“She told me yes, she would do her hair and go. I helped her pay for the Uber and she got to 116th Street, between highway and 19, ”said the man.

According to Mateo, at around 6 in the afternoon, they first entered Zona 116, a rumba venue, and there they stayed with several friends until around 8:30 at night.

(You may be interested: The other alleged murderer of Ana María Castro seeks an agreement with the prosecutor)

Then they went to a bar known as El Chupe and, after several hours, some of the group went home and others to eat. At that moment, Mateo says, he wanted to leave, but Ana María told him to go to Cantina, another place where he was going to meet some friends.

“At Cantina I meet another friend, but I left my things on Ana’s and her friends’ table. I had a chat with my friends and a while with Ana (…). We had had whiskey, brandy, beer. So I already felt very bad, I don’t remember leaving the bar, ”Mateo said in his statement, which began at around 6 pm on that same fatal March 5.

The Prosecutor’s Office asked Mateo insistently if they had used drugs and he answered that at least he had not. But TIME established that It is investigated if one of those present that night at the bar was a supplier of pills and coca.

(Also: The testimony that entangles the accused murderers of Ana María Castro)

Testimony of Mateo Reyes

Testimony of Mateo Reyes on the violent death of Ana María Castro

‘I heard Ana argue’

And he got into the matter.

Said He only remembered that Ana María and her friends said they were going to someone’s house and that they got into a black Kia truck.

“Two were ahead, the driver and the passenger. When we were going down Calle 80 with 69 P (sic), where the incident occurred, some of the friends told me that I could not go home with them. Then they stopped. I got out of the car and Ana got out behind me ”, the story reads.

(We recommend: What the autopsy of the young Ana María Castro reveals)

At this point, Mateo provided previously unknown data about an argument between Ana María, Paul Naranjo (the driver of the Kia) and Julián (the co-driver).

Young lawyer who went with Ana María Castro denounces threats

Paul and his family say they are threatened.

“I got on the platform and Ana is talking to the occupants of the car through the window: I don’t know if the one in front or the one behind. What I know is that Ana was already under the truck. I heard Ana arguing with some of her friends and she asked them, ‘why, why’. And from one moment to another, the one who was driving starts and since Ana was leaning against the window, I don’t know if it was that she got caught in the car and how she started so fast, fell to the ground and hit her head. I don’t know if the car is dragging it, but it does turn before it falls, “he explained.

Neither Paul Naranjo nor Julián Ortegón have referred to that fight. Initially, they said they left Ana María alive on the platform.

(See also: Unknown data on the crime of Ana María Castro)

In addition, several witnesses and Mateo Reyes’ own girlfriend agree that He said something else when two police patrol cars arrived, several drivers and people who were passing by..

From one moment to another, the one who was driving starts and as Ana was leaning against the window (…) she fell to the ground and hit her head

Julian Ortegon

Julián Ortegón, accused of aggravated femicide, did not accept the charges.


One claimed that he saw the young woman in a pool of blood. And a man on the hood of a car who said: “They threw us out of the truck.”

In an interview with EL TIEMPO en Vivo, Jhon Cadena, Paul Naranjo’s lawyer, assures that Ana María and Mateo were kissing each other and in a “sexual” situation, and that Mateo had a full beard with a feminine base. And that his client aspired to “have something” with Ana.

Paul himself admits that he was upset when he saw them kissing and groping in the back of the car.

(Context: The person responsible for the death of Ana María Castro is delivered)

Pablo Naranjo

Paul Naranjo has not yet surrendered to justice.

“And I approach Ana and see that she is not moving, then I go into shock and my first reaction was to try to stop a vehicle (…) I yelled to call the police and an ambulance,” said Mateo.

And although he added that “so far he had not received a threat,” The Prosecutor’s Office wants to clarify data that do not match. The criminal lawyer Abelardo de la Espriella, a lawyer for the family of Ana María Castro, agrees.

“Mateo in some way has responsibility, but not probably in the femicide as such, but in having withheld information from him (…) Here all those who participated in one way or another executing the crime, hiding it or changing the version of the facts for some In a way that leads the authorities to make a mistake, they will respond, ”he said in an interview with EL TIEMPO.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

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