Ana María Castro: involved in the death of the young woman, he left the country – Investigative Unit


According to immigration records held by the authorities, on Monday, February 8, Mateo Reyes Gómez, one of the three men who appear in the file for the violent death of Ana María Castro, left the country.

(We recommend: This is the statement by Mateo Reyes on the death of Ana María Castro)

Authorities told EL TIEMPO that he appears traveling to Miami, United States. What’s more, that for now does not have any requirement that restricts their travel abroad.

(You may be interested: Ana María Castro’s mother reveals unpublished data about the murder)

However, they stated that he will be summoned to clarify several contradictions in his testimony.

EL TIEMPO obtained exclusively all of Mateo’s account of his relationship with the young woman, the people who accompanied them, if there was drug use and what happened inside the Kia truck. This newspaper also had access to the versions of other people who arrived at the place where Ana María was dumped, and they assure that Mateo gave other information that he did not give to the Prosecutor’s Office, at least in that first version.

Ana Maria’s own mother told EL TIEMPO that Mateo first said that he was riding in another car behind the Kia. but later he assured her that he had thrown them out of the car.

‘Are you a witness in the process?

“I think I met Ana María Castro more than a year ago, through mutual friends, at the house of my friend Andrés C. We were friends, we only saw each other when there were parties,” Mateo told the Prosecutor’s Office.

He said he only remembered that Ana María and her friends said they were going to someone’s house and that they got into a black Kia truck.

“Two were ahead, the driver and the passenger. When we were going down Calle 80 with 69 P (sic), where the incident occurred, some of the friends told me that I could not go home with them. Then they stopped. I got out of the car and Ana got out behind me ”, the story reads.

