Ana María Castro case: versions of eyewitnesses are disclosed at the scene of the events


Ana María Castro, a young woman from Bogotá who died on March 5, 2021 in events that are yet to be clarified.
Ana María Castro, a young woman from Bogotá who died on March 5, 2021 in events that are yet to be clarified.

On March 5, 2020, the young woman from Bogota died Ana Maria Castro. At dawn that Thursday, the 21-year-old left the bar Cantina Plaza after meeting some friends, with whom, probably, he would go to the town of Suba, in Bogotá, to continue the celebration.

She never made it to the meeting point: somewhere on 116th street with 19 avenue race she was abruptly thrown from a truck Kia Sportage, later identified by the authorities.

In a matter of hours, Ana María, registered as NN upon admission, lost her life at the Simón Bolívar hospital.

The Canal Caracol program, Seventh Day presented to the public new witnesses They provided little-known details about the young woman’s death.

One of them, a motorcyclist, who asked to reserve his name, who drove down Calle 80, who claimed to have passed the point where the young woman was thrown. Here is his testimony for that program.

That night I came from work, I go home, I go down the 80 on the motorcycle and more or less from the traffic light I see that in this sector a boy begins to cross

According to the record of security cameras, the motorcyclist got out of his vehicle, walked a few meters until he stopped at the pedestrian to observe the scene of the accident; then, according to his testimony, he called the line 123 to report the situation.

While the institutional aid arrived, the motorcyclist returned to his motorcycle to drive in the wrong direction and investigate what happened on the street.

“I turn against the road, I leave the motorcycle parked and in front I find the whose body is Ana María today”, He added for Seventh Day.

Read the testimony of a woman who was present before the young woman took the vehicle that would lead her to death: Ana María Castro case: testimony of Patricia, a woman who tried to prevent the young woman from getting into Paul Naranjo’s vehicle

Another of the witnesses presented in the program was Nicolas Suarez, a driver carrying a passenger across the 19 avenue race, place of events.

Suárez assured before cameras that both he and his passenger saw the young woman “Lying on the floor with the pool of blood around”, but did not stop the vehicle; However, in his account he indicated that he saw a man standing in the middle of the road, apparently asking for help. According to the versions of the case, this would be Mateo Reyes.

Read More: Mateo Reyes, involved in the case of Ana María Castro, would have to return to Colombia

Screenshot of the publication on Instagram, the last one made by the victim, in which she spoke with those who would later leave with her.  Private File
Screenshot of the publication on Instagram, the last one made by the victim, in which she spoke with those who would later leave with her. Private File

Although he did not participate in the program, Daniel Alejandro Vega Novoa, another driver who was at the crime scene, gave testimony before the Attorney General’s Office.

In accordance with Seventh day, Novoa drew what he testified the night of March 5 after his report to line 123 to report the accident.

The testimony of Novoa, whose vehicle was traveling on Calle 80, is important because it detailed the moment in which Ana Maria Castro was thrown from a vehicle “dark blue car with tinted windows, ”presumably the Kia Sportage driven by Paul Naranjo.

“I was in the center lane, I slowed down, I could see how they opened the back door on the right side of the car and how they dumped a girl. He fell like a rag doll, between the right lane and the center lane. The girl stood there still”, Assured Novoa before the Attorney General’s Office in testimony compiled by Seventh Day.

The new testimonies were related to the case, one in which both the family and their legal representatives seek justice.

Lawyer De La Espriella: there will be more revelations

Asked about the opinion of Legal Medicine, which shows the forceful blow suffered by Ana María when she was expelled from a moving vehicle, the lawyer of the family of Ana María Castro, Abelardo De La Espriella, stated that the young woman suffered other blows, that will reveal throughout the process.

Read details about the procedure that determined the death of Ana María in: They disclose the autopsy of the death of Ana María Castro

Nidia and Ana María Castro.  Private File
Nidia and Ana María Castro. Private File

The mother cries out for truth and justice

Nidia castro, mother of the young woman, only seeks to know the truth of what happened with her daughter in March 2021.

It also seeks that the guilty pay a sentence for the crime of the young woman. Interviewed by Noticias Caracol on the occasion of the commemoration of her daughter’s disappearance, she stated that:

I’ve never talked to them, except one the day she dies, but they haven’t looked for me. More than sorry, I would like to know the truth, hopefully from your own mouth, you cannot live with a burden like that all your life

The case for the death of Ana Maria Castro it is in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office.

From American dream to deadly nightmare: missing Colombian found dead in the United States
