An open microphone accidentally recorded a controversial phrase by Queiroz about the Villa case


At the end of the press conference, prior to the game with Uruguay, the coach of the Colombia team, Carlos Queiroz, pronounced a controversial phrase that has him at the center of the hurricane, on the case of Sebastián Villa, who is accused by his partner of physical aggression.

After the virtual meeting with the media, Queiroz began to speak with the press officer of the Colombian Football Federation, Juan Raúl Mejía, who read him a trill from the director of the newspaper AS Colombia, Sara Castro, about criticism made to the Portuguese strategist by the call of the Boca Juniors player.

Without realizing that the microphones were open, Queiroz criticized Castro and said: “She has to speak with the institutions.” If all the men who take a punch from women went to the press to speak, the world would be screwed. ”

Immediately, a strong controversy broke out on social networks. The Federation, realizing what had happened, decided to download the press conference from the network.

On the night, Queiroz referred to what happened: “In the face of any misunderstanding resulting from the audio, partial and private, after the press conference, I publicly and unequivocally reaffirm, as I did at the conference, the conviction that any trial and conviction media does not replace the primary function of justice, “he said.

Press conference

Before the qualifying match against Uruguay, coach Carlos Queiroz had a meeting with the press and some of his responses generated various reactions on the networks.

Among the phrases that caused the discomfort are what the coach said about the possible summons of Sebastián Villa, who is being prosecuted in Argentina for alleged gender violence.

“Villa was on the list of the 42 who were blocked. If he plays well at Boca Juniors, he will surely be a player who will be on our radar. If he is ready to play in Boca, he will be ready to play with the National Team ”, mentioned the strategist.

“If there is a player who is playing in Argentina and is playing well, my job is to see if the player has the quality to be in the National Team”, confirmed Queiroz.

Now moving on to the sports plane, the Tricolor helmsman emphasized that at home you must win.

“During these games the team has to defend well, attack well, with great consistency. The team must know that when we score two goals, the three points have to stay in Colombia’s pocket ”.

Other phrases from the coach

“We are at home and, according to interests, we decide the match schedule. We made the decision that we thought was the best for Colombia ”.

“At this moment it is important to think about Uruguay, think about the game and be focused on the 24 players who are called up.”

“We started talking about Luis Suárez a year ago and he told us that his dream was to play for Colombia. This is your chance to play with her. ”

“Having the opportunity to be on the field with Mr. Tabárez is a very great honor.”

“The only concern we have is to prepare the team well against Uruguay. It is a critical match for us. Uruguay has two world championships on its back. It is one of the best teams in the world ”.

“We hope that Borré recovers well. We are all with our hearts together so that he recovers as soon as possible and returns to the field ”.

Davinson will be dad

Although the players who are in Europe have not yet reached the concentration, it has been mentioned that defender Dávinson Sánchez will be the last to arrive in the country.

He would do it on Friday, as his wife is about to give birth to their first child and therefore, the defender has the coach’s permission.

“Dávinson has not been able to travel, as we thought, with all the others. So I decided to call one more defense ”, concluded Queiroz.
