America vs. Universidad Católica: result and goals of the Copa Libertadores 2020 match – International Football – Sports


In an even game, in which both teams had errors in defense and ended up settling for the point, Cali America tied 1-1 this Wednesday at Pascual Guerrero with the Universidad Católica, from Chile, on the fourth date of the Copa Libertadores. Venezuelan goalkeeper Joel Graterol saved a penalty that could have changed the course of the match.

In the remaining matches, the Valle del Cauca team will have to beat Internacional at home and in the last outing to Gremio in Porto Alegre, or else it will say goodbye to the continental contest.

(See here the goals of the tie between América and Universidad Católica)

A gift from Matías Dituro, including a bow, allowed the scarlet box to take the lead at minute 4, when the Argentine goalkeeper received José Fuenzalida off his fence, but under pressure from Adrián Ramos he rushed in the serve and the ball was right at the feet of Duván Vergara, who from outside the area measured the shot with the unguarded goal and made it 1-0.

Two minutes later, a foul by Nicolás Giraldo against Gastón Lezcano was penalized with a penalty kick. Luciano Aued executed and Joel Graterol lay down on the left vertical to keep the ball, which represented an important emotional injection for the host team.

On the 11th minute, Ramos stepped into the area with a right hand up, but Dituro sent the ball over the horizontal.

It was a good present for the Colombian champion, because Vergara was feasting on Raimundo Rebolledo, the improvised visiting left-back. However, the injuries came back to afflict him, since at 29 he saw left back Nicolás Giraldo leave to admit Daniel Quiñones.

Ramos reappeared at 31 with a shot, although the ball was intercepted and went to the corner kick.

In the 33rd minute, Edson Puch leaned on Rebolledo and he unloaded into the area, where Fernando Zampedri barely had to touch the ball, anticipating Segovia, and converted the 1-1.

The mistakes in the red back gave life to the Chilean team, which in another action approached with danger, but had one of its men out of place.

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Católica finished the first half better, getting into the red area, especially with the exits of lateral José Fuenzalida. He took possession of the ball with the talent of Edson Puch and César Pinares, with a better organization of collective plays from the half.

America, on the other hand, lost the spark it showed in a few moments and suffered a lot with the crusade offensive. Rafael Carrascal and Carlos Sierra were out of form, John Arias was very delayed, helping the youthful Quiñones, also improvised on the left, so that they did not win his back, and Duván Vergara lost prominence to go in search of Adrián Ramos.

As the result did not favor either of them, variants were expected in the complement, although only Felipe Jaramillo entered for Carlos Sierra in the premises. Puch did not take advantage of a bad rejection from Segovia at 2 minutes, a great opportunity for La Católica.

America took 10 minutes to take risk to the Albiazul rear, with a shot from Pérez to a pass from Vergara and then Dituro took a shot at the Monterrey winger.

The Catholic University played better, it arrived very well at 27 with the ball dominated to the red area, and incredibly Pinares missed only against Graterol what could be the second goal of the southern team, sending the ball out.

America confirmed that it does not have a player who generates play, it depends too much on the drive of Carrascal and Sierra, who in this commitment were not noticed.

Valencia almost scored the goal for the Chileans’ advantage, after another projection by Fuenzalida. And then Luciano Abued headed wide in front of Graterol.

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Carrascal tried a shot at 40, without much power, and Dituro contained without problem. Luis Sánchez also cheered up, with no luck. With this result, the two added 4 points, while Gremio defeated Internacional 0-1 and reached it with 7 units in first place.

Next Tuesday, September 29 (7:30 pm) America will host Internacional, from Porto Alegre, at Pascual Guerrero, while the Catholic University will visit Gremio.

Marco Antonio Garcés
Futbolred correspondent

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