America de Cali: Duván Vergara on his future and offers from abroad


América de Cali emerged as Colombian soccer champion last Sunday after maintaining their difference against Santa Fe in the round trip series. One of the great figures of the scarlet squad, not only in the final but throughout the season was the forward Duván Vergara.

The skilled scarlet striker was the subject of rumors throughout the year so it seemed his imminent departure to foreign football with Portugal and Brazil as possible destinations. However, America never reached the figure higher than the five million dollars they expected and for now he continues in Colombian soccer.

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Vergara is aware of his moment to take a quality leap abroad, but he prefers to take it easy and declared so after finishing the match in Bogotá.

“I completed a cycle in America, everything is already in God’s hands. If I stay, I will be happy and if I leave, I will do it through the front door ”, noted first.

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“The idea is to go out to a team where it can growr, it’s time to leave, let’s wait for things to happen, “he added.

And he closed by talking about his possibilities in the Colombian National Team after the departure of Carlos Queiroz: “It is good that they ask me, that is a symptom that things are being done well, I work for that and I hope God rewards me ”.
