Amaury Castilla, the football warrior who went to heaven | THE UNIVERSAL


Amaury Castilla Santander, the former Real Cartagena footballer, departed from this life. His heart stopped beating at dawn today, leaving a deep wound in his family and friends who loved him so much through time.

He could not sing one more goal for his Colombian team of the soul on earth. God wanted him to see the Colombia-Uruguay game from the very sky, next to him, as perhaps Amaury once dreamed of.

Yasmina Santander, his mother, told El Universal amid crying: “This fight is over, a gladiator has left, my Amaury has left, thanks to you for being aware of him. It really hurts the heart”.

Doña Yasmina commented that a respiratory arrest ended the life of her son in the early hours of today. , “He spent 12 days in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Yesterday he asked me when Colombia played and the time. His lung did not let him breathe calmly, pneumonia took my Amaury ”.

The robbery that changed his life

That June 13, 2012, when a thief stole his blackberry and in that attempt shot him, leaving him seriously injured, his life changed. . He was left a quadriplegic, lying on a bed unable to move his arms or legs.

Seven years have passed since this sad episode. The fight of this warrior, who lived in La Central, together with his family has ended.

The young man, 26, was a member of several Bolívar teams as a left back. He also managed to be in the lower ranks of Real Cartagena.

Soccer was everything to him. For this reason, television became his inseparable companion all these years to watch football programs and games every day.

In the last interview that El Universal conducted with him in January 2019, Amaury enjoyed talking about the sport of his loves. Here are some sections of the interview.

How did you think of Colombia’s performance at the World Cup in Russia?

– It was possible to go further, that’s the feeling I have. We had equipment to advance further.

Should the new coach be Colombian or foreign?

– The important thing is that it has capacity and hierarchy. That he is a foreigner or Colombian does not seem relevant to me.

What do you think of the Junior title?

– Much deserved. Junior showed good game and hierarchy. He has players who make a difference. I am happy for Rafa Pérez, he was born and raised in my neighborhood, I tried to make it go well for him.

Your opinion of the arrival of Yeison Murillo to Barça?

– He is technically rich and that will help him a lot. He has experience in Spanish football, I think things could be given to him at this club.

“I already forgave him”

And he went to heaven with his heart calm. In the interview, he stated that he did not hold a grudge for the person who fired the weapon that sent him to bed. “I forgave him a long time ago, that gives me peace,” said Amaury, who was a Barcelona fan and assured that Lionel Messi is the best player in the world.
