Álvaro Uribe: the evidence with which they will request his arrest – Investigative Unit


Videos, statements, Excel tables, opinions, lists with a confidential stamp …

All the procedural pieces that the Prosecutor’s office collected within the file against the former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, for alleged bribery of witnesses and procedural fraud, began to circulate in the middle of the week.

It is not yet known what of everything –67 DVDs and 500 gigabytes of information– the prosecutor will use Gabriel Jaimes to support the request for preclusion of the case.

(We invite you to read: Why doesn’t a key witness in the Uribe case want to speak to the Prosecutor’s Office?)

But EL TIEMPO established that Jaimes will dedicate part of the day –programmed for Tuesday, April 6– to question interceptions that the Court ordered to do to Uribe.

In fact, it is not ruled out that he asks Judge Carmen Helena Ortiz that all the audios be excluded from the file, which for some would automatically leave the charges that the Investigating Chamber of the Supreme Court formulated against Uribe Vélez without legal ground.

(Also: Who is Mercedes Arroyave, the lost witness in the Uribe case?)

Evedeincia of the Uribe case

The evidence collected by Gabriel Jaimes began to circulate in the media in the middle of the week.

‘Tavo Molina’

The defense of the ex-president, headed by criminal lawyer Jaime Granados, has worked in that direction, claiming that part of the interceptions are illegal (as they were allegedly made by mistake).

In addition, that all the audio files violate norms of international law that protect the conversations between client and lawyer; in this case, between Uribe and his ex-empowered Diego Cadena.

Juan Guillermo Monsalve

Juan Guillermo Monsalve, designated star witness in the case.



To support the point, they annexed the concept of Luis Greco, an international jurist.

Jaimes also evaluates the information that the cell phone of Juan Guillermo Monsalve, key witness in this file. Monsalve has argued for years that Uribe and his brother Santiago were behind the creation of the Metro de las Autodefensas block and that lawyer Cadena pressured him to recant.

(You may be interested in: Monsalve’s file, the ‘expara’ who unleashed the process against Uribe)

Statement from Diego Cadena

Diego Cadena alleged professional secrecy for not answering some questions from the Prosecutor’s Office.


EL TIEMPO established that in addition to his criminal profiling, the prosecutor Gabriel Jaimes already has evidence that Monsalve enabled an Instagram account with the name of ‘Tavo Molina‘. With that identity, he would have negotiated the La Veranera farm, without even knowing where the money came from. And he checks 105 WhatsApp messages, 15 of them deleted, from Monsalve’s device.

But two of the procedural pieces that Jaimes has in his hands ended up sparking a controversy.

The first was the sworn statement that Cadena gave to the specialized prosecutor 11 of the delegate before the Court.

(On the subject: Uribe case: lost witness and last minute evidence unleash a storm)

In sections initially published by El Espectador, the criminal lawyer Iván Cancino, Cadena’s lawyer, said: “Dr. Uribe has not taken away his professional secrecy”. Under that judicial umbrella, Cadena refused to answer several of the questions they asked him.

In private, in the investigation before the Court, and in public, the former president relieved Cadena of professional secrecy “and ordered him to tell the truth: Granados.

Ricardo Williamson

The Prosecutor’s Office says that it carried out tests that the Court did not practice. Among them the testimony of Ricardo Wiliamson, who says that Enrique Pardo assured him that Juan Guillermo Monsalve wanted to retract.

Jaime Granados, Uribe’s lawyer told EL TIEMPO that “in private, in the investigation before the Court, and in public, the former president relieved Cadena of professional secrecy” and ordered him to tell the truth.

Nevertheless, Cancun He told this newspaper that he has not been notified in writing of that decision. “In addition, professional secrecy is two-way and Diego can avail himself of it and refrain from talking about any conversation held with the former president and the acts of defense he exercised,” he explained.

(You may be interested: The strategy of Cadena, Uribe’s former lawyer, to be free)

Income from Diego Cadena's visit to Juan Guillermo Monsalve

Report of income from Diego Cadena’s visit to Juan Guillermo Monsalve.

He added that it is not true, as indicated by an Excel table sent by Inpec, that Cadena visited Monsalve in La Picota 44 times, from 2011 to 2020: “Either it is a mistake or there is a falsehood. In 2011, Monsalve was not even in La Picota ”.

He added that he has just asked the judge 53 for the control of guarantees in Bogotá to ask Inpec to certify the information.

With that prelude, in two weeks the case against former President Álvaro Uribe continues.

(Also: Á. Uribe’s defense does not think that his case is linked to that of Cadena)

It is not true that Diego Cadena has visited Juan Guillermo Monsalve since 2011. Either it is a mistake or there is a falsehood: Iván Cancino

Train crash due to Prada case?

The Prosecutor’s Office has already anticipated that, in its opinion, Álvaro Uribe Vélez was not the determiner of any of the crimes that the Court formulated against him.: bribery of witnesses and procedural fraud.

Although he admits that there were illegal behaviors, in his initial statement he indicated that none of them fit with Uribe’s actions. The Supreme Court, however, is advancing in the process that follows the Congressman of the Democratic Center Álvaro Hernán Prada as the alleged co-perpetrator of the same crimes.

(In context: Prada, the alleged accomplice of bribery in the Uribe case, according to the Court)

Álvaro Hernán Prada

Álvaro Hernán Prada, representative to the Chamber of the Democratic Center.


House of Representatives

For those close to the case, if there is no determiner (in the Prosecutor’s Office), Prada cannot be prosecuted as his accomplice (in the Court). The high court is expected to settle the Prada case even before Uribe’s hearing on April 6.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

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