Álvaro Uribe reacted to Joe Biden’s victory: he pointed out the challenges he will face in Colombia and in the region


Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who is under investigation for alleged witness tampering, speaks during a statement to the media after a judge lifted a house arrest warrant against him, in Montería, Colombia, on October 12, 2020. REUTERS / Luis Dario Díaz.  NO RESALES.  NO FILE.
Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who is under investigation for alleged witness tampering, speaks during a statement to the media after a judge lifted a house arrest warrant against him, in Montería, Colombia, on October 12, 2020. REUTERS / Luis Dario Díaz. NO RESALES. NO FILE.

Different political figures and personalities from Colombia spoke after the victory of Democrat Joe Biden over Republican Donald Trump, which was announced on the night of November 7. Well, former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez was one of those who had remained silent, but this Sunday he spoke about it through a statement.

Uribe highlighted how “fundamental” Biden was “In the Senate for the approval of Plan Colombia promoted by Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno and agreed by the Clinton and Pastrana administrations”, in 1999. But he also highlighted the challenges that, according to him, the president-elect of the United States has on the world stage.


Members of the Colombian Army participate in coca eradication efforts in the rural area of ​​Nueva Colombia (Colombia).  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive
Members of the Colombian Army participate in coca eradication efforts in the rural area of ​​Nueva Colombia (Colombia). EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive

According to former President Uribe, Biden’s help will be essential for President Iván Duque “Can overcome inherited obstacles and advance effectively in the elimination of narco-terrorism. The elimination of drugs, hand in hand with the paid care of the jungle, the Amazon, for example, is an imperative that requires the full support of the Biden Government ”.


For Álvaro Uribe Vélez, the president of Venezuela, it is the “closest threat to the United States” after the “crisis” during the cold war with the former Soviet Union. Hence, according to him, it is another of the challenges that, according to him, Biden will have to deal with.

Maduro hosts terrorists of different kinds, all declared enemies of the United States

“The tyranny of Venezuela has stabilized from the severe sanctions imposed by President Trump. One factor of this stability is the financing of drug trafficking and the support of terrorist groups in Colombia (…). Maduro hosts terrorists of different types, all declared enemies of the United States, “said the former president, who is being investigated today for alleged bribery of witnesses and procedural fraud.

North Korea and the Middle East

About the Asian country, Uribe said: “President Trump’s policy of direct and repeated dialogue seemed to dissuade North Korea from the nuclear adventure, however, recent news of long-range missile tests once again sets alarms on that country.

Syria gives the impression of a humanitarian death by starvation

Regarding Syria, the former Senator of the Democratic Center said that, although this country produces less news, “it gives the impression of a humanitarian death by starvation.” According to him, attention must be paid to the economic and social impact of some Arab countries “on the as progress is made in the substitution of oil.

Latin America

To conclude his statement, Álvaro Uribe Vélez referred to the importance of the United States in reducing poverty in Latin America, a process in which, according to him, it went back ten years due to the pandemic crisis.

“The role of the United States in the World Bank (WB), linked to the Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Inter-American Bank (IDB) will be crucial. In the latter, the United States has approximately 30% of the shares and it was final in the capitalization, still of our Government, ”said Uribe.
