Álvaro Uribe: Hacker Andrés Sepúlveda says he was pressured to speak out against the former president – Investigative Unit


On Saturday the term expires for the prosecutor Gabriel Jaimes to announce whether to present an indictment against Álvaro Uribe Vélez, or if he requests a hearing to support the preclusion of the case he inherited from the Supreme Court, where they managed to file charges for alleged bribery of witnesses and procedural fraud.

About 20 investigators are evaluating the last minute evidence that Jaimes ordered to collect and that Uribe’s defense is gathering. On Wednesday, additional information on the Sim Cards seized from Juan Guillermo Monsalve, considered by the Court as the star witness in the case, was legalized, who refused to testify at the Prosecutor’s Office.

(We invite you to read: The war behind the decision enlisted in the case against Uribe)

Alvaro Uribe

Former President Álvaro Uribe is prosecuted for alleged bribery of witnesses and procedural fraud.


Álvaro Uribe Press

EL TIEMPO learned exclusively that within the material close to the last minute there is a statement from the hacker Andrés Sepúlveda.

In this he assures that he does not know Uribe and that he was forced to testify against him. Specifically, that Uribe was the recipient of the information on the blows to the peace process.

(You may be interested: Why does a key witness in the Uribe case not want to speak to the Prosecutor’s Office?

When asked why he had singled out Uribe as the recipient of the information on the so-called jabs, he said: “At that time I was being subjected by the Attorney General’s Office and officials to intimidation, pressure, and threats against me due to the conditions of deprivation of freedom to expose myself and my family members “.

And he adds that for that reason he was forced to agree to “transmit to the public opinion, by those media, some comments against people that of course were not true.”

How does the statement fit?

This newspaper had access to the statement, which is already in the hands of the prosecutor in the case, Gabriel Jaimes, who assesses whether or not it is relevant to the case that follows the former president.

Mr. ANDRÉS FERNANDO SEPÚLVEDA ARDILA, states that he was convicted in a process, called by the media as the blows to the peace process, because according to him it had been aired by the Prosecutor’s Office that he had made “some interventions to the peace process”The document reads.

And he adds: “Regarding the demonstrations against Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez,
in the media by Andrés Sepúlveda, exposes
that these would have been given as he was being subjected by the
Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and some officials to “intimidation,
pressures, threats ”, against his person and his family, for which it was seen
they forced access and transmit this statement to the public opinion.

Gabriel Jaimes

Gabriel Ramón Jaimes Durán, prosecutor in charge of the case against Uribe.

How does this information fit into the investigation for alleged bribery of witnesses? Will Jaimes hear Sepúlveda?

In the submission of the testimony, Uribe’s defense does not comment further on the scope of the so-called hacker’s statement.

However, within the brief, Sepúlveda mentions alleged members of the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI) of the time that “as undercover agents of the DNI who implanted information in order to induce him to a possible commission of a crime to incriminate him. “

Álvaro Uribe and Iván Cepeda

Álvaro Uribe Vélez, former president, and Iván Cepeda, senator of the Republic.

This newspaper refrains from revealing the names supplied by Sepúlveda within his statement so as not to hinder the investigation.

Juan Guillermo Monsalve

Juan Guillermo Monsalve, considered a star witness in the case, refused to testify at the Prosecutor’s Office.



The other testimony

Sepúlveda’s testimony came at the same time as that of Francisco Taborda, a subject who assures that he was in prison with Monsalve, whom he described as a liar.

(See here all the articles of the investigative unit of EL TIEMPO)

In fact, his testimony generated the reaction of Senator Iván Cepeda, victim in the case, who pointed out that Taborda has at least one conviction in his file for a false witness and author of procedural fraud: “In other words, he is a recycled false witness.”.

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