Alias ​​”Marihuano”, second in command of the Clan del Golfo, died in a police operation


President Iván Duque confirmed the death of Nelson Hurtado, alias “Marihuano”, who was located in the Buenavista de Riosucio village, Chocó. He classified the result of this operation as the hardest blow the Gulf Clan has ever dealt.

President Duque confirmed the death of Nelson Hurtado, alias Marijuana, who according to the authorities was the second in command of the Clan del Golfo. Operation Agamemnon II, in which Hurtado’s death occurred, was carried out around noon on February 7 in the Buenavista de Riosucio village, Chocó.

“We had been tracking him for a long time. We also announced that it was part of the most wanted. This criminal is the author of multiple murders of social leaders and also has indications of being linked to murders of people who are in the process of reincorporation, ”said President Duque.

In the operation that led to Hurtado’s death, a man and a woman who, according to the Police, were from their circle of trust also died. In addition, another alleged member of the organization was captured.

Nelson Darío Hurtado Simanca was 49 years old and the largest drug trafficker in the Clan del Golfo. In addition, one of the trusted men of Dairo Antonio Úsuga, alias Otoniel. Hurtado was responsible for sending about six tons of cocaine hydrochloride a month to Central America and Europe, an activity for which he generated more than 20,000 million pesos. Some of the countries the drugs were targeting were Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.

This criminal was the coordinator of the Urabá central structure of the Clan del Golfo and was featured in Interpol’s blue circular. He had a criminal record of 26 years. Hurtado appeared as demobilized from the extinct United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia in 2006, where he was second in line with the Centauros Block in Meta, below Otoniel. Then he joined the Gulf Clan, under the command of his former chief.

Marijuana was captured in 2008 in Turbo (Antioquia), but managed to escape from the Apartadó jail two years later and returned to the criminal gang led by Otoniel. Yn 2018, Hurtado was sent by his boss to Chocoano Urabá to strengthen drug trafficking from that region.

“Just as this bandit fell today, in this operation that has been handled with precision, he is also notified Otoniel that we are going for him ”, warned President Duque.

The Clan del Golfo is the largest illegal armed structure in Colombia, according to a study by the Peace and Reconciliation Foundation. This criminal group is present in 211 municipalities of the country.
