Álex Saab: US $ 700 million linked to the indicated figurehead of Nicolás Maduro is frozen – Investigative Unit


Liechtenstein, a principality located between Switzerland and Austria, has just officially entered the file that the United States advances against the Barranquilla Álex Saab, detained in Cape Verde since June 12.

Federal sources told EL TIEMPO that in accounts located in banks in that country and connected with others, in at least three countries, they frozen a significant sum linked to the aforementioned figurehead of Nicolás Maduro.

(We invite you to read: Cape Verde says that Álex Saab is ‘self-mutilating’ in prison)

Jorge Arreaza

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza asked that a humanitarian commission be sent to Cape Verde to assess the situation of Álex Saab.

The offensive by federal agencies is recorded amid rumors that Saab’s extradition would occur this week.

However, the same sources indicated that the final decision, in the hands of the Cape Verde Court, could be extended until the second week of October.

After several clashes with the defense of Saab, in Cape Verde they have preferred not to comment on the process of shipment or release of Saab.

(It may interest you: The new lawyer for Álex Saab in Colombia speaks)

However, EL TIEMPO established that after the search of his cell, to confiscate an object with which, they say, he would be self-mutilating, the controls were increased.

In addition, insider sources assured that, in addition to raising security measures, Álex Saab was subjected to prison regulations that included the confiscation of items and the cutting of his hair.

The dollars

Regarding the confiscation of the money in Liechtenstein, this newspaper established that the frozen sum amounts to 700 million dollars.

In addition, new seizures are coming with the collaboration of authorities from at least three countries.

(Also: US responds to Saab defense attack in final extradition phase)

Now it seeks to establish whether the confiscated money is linked to payments from the so-called CLAP boxes that the regime buys from Saab companies. Much of the distribution of these boxes is concentrated in Turkey, after they moved the business from Mexico.

(Here you can consult all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

So far, Saab’s defense has not addressed the issue of the confiscated dollars.

However, he reiterated the claim that Saab was a victim of torture in Cape Verde. In fact, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, requested that a humanitarian mission be authorized to verify the state of health of Saab.

Regimen reaction

“We have denounced before the African Union and the government of Cape Verde the mistreatment and torture suffered by Alex Saab, Special Envoy of Venezuela, during his arbitrary detention. Everything has been verified by his lawyers. It is a clear violation of his Rights. Humans, “Arreaza pointed out in his networks on September 9.

And he added: “We demand that the immediate visit of a forensic doctor to Special Envoy Alex Saab, as well as a prosecutor from the Public Ministry and our ambassador to Cape Verde be allowed. So far these visits have not been authorized. It is a fair request. and from “.

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