Álex Saab: the 4 unpublished videos with which he seeks to be set free – Investigative Unit


With unpublished images of his family, photos of the dungeon in which he is being held, apart from the process against him and testimonies from his doctor, the Barranquilla Álex Saab started filming 4 unpublished videos in which he insists on the illegality of his capture and on the medical problems that he says he suffers and that had not been disclosed.

The videos, obtained first by EL TIEMPO, are part of the defense that the Saab group of lawyers is deploying after, on January 4, it was known that the Cape Verde Court of Appeals gave way to his extradition to U.S.

(We invite you to read: Cape Verde Court gives way to extradition of Saab)

In effect, while a federal court in Miami is processing him for a mega-money laundering operation (over 350 million dollars), linked to the Nicolás Maduro regime, Saab’s defense insists that it is a retaliation against the regime of Nicolás Maduro, of which the Barranquilla is a ‘special envoy’ and now plenipotentiary and permanent ambassador in Africa.

(You may be interested: Maduro’s move to grant Álex Saab immunity)

In the first video, in which Saab appears next to his current wife, the Italian model Camila Fabbri (with whom he has two small daughters), it is insisted that his capture in Cape Verde is illegal and has already exceeded more than 200 days without having your legal situation resolved.

Álex Saab and Camila Fabri

This is one of the first known images of the barrinquellero and his Italian partner, the model Camila Fabbri.

In the images, where they insist on their diplomatic status, the testimony of an expert oncologist is also recorded in which it is ensured that Saab suffers from stomach cancer, has lost 26 kilos of weight in prison and is in poor physical condition.

Videos with those seeking freedom from Alex SaabVideos with those seeking freedom from Alex Saab

Alex Saab

“Prisoners, even convicts, and Álex Saab is not, have the right to medical care. Saab needs medical care. I went to Cape Verde and it is clear that this is not happening, he does not have blood tests, or endoscopies, or consultation with an oncologist or, more pertinently, a gastroenterologist, this has not been done, “says the oncologist.

In fact, while part of his defense presents habeas corpus, appeals and requests for home release, Others applied to Cape Verde for a humanitarian permit for Saab, for medical reasons.

Lawyer Álex Saab

Rusell Martha is one of the attorneys on the Saab team.

Russell Martha, former Interpol legal affairs director and now part of Saab’s advocacy team He points out in another of the videos that his capture is unprecedented and that Saab was going to look for food and medicine for Venezuela.

Video about SaabVideo about Saab

Alex Saab

“You have a special envoy from a sovereign state on a diplomatic mission to a third country. He made a technical stop in Cape Verde to refuel and is arrested. This is unprecedented. There is no example in history where this has happened”Says Martha.

And he insists on the alleged irregularity surrounding the red circular ordering the international arrest of the noted figurehead of Nicolás Maduro: “I am surprised that the authorities in Cape Verde did this. The red circular is dated June 13, Saab was arrested on June 12. ANDIn other words, he was arrested based on a red circular that did not exist ”.

Message to Cape Verde

The lawyer also sends a clear warning to Cape Verde: “Small countries need international law, they need international courts to protect them, because they have no economic, military or political power to protect themselves. And as a small country, Cape Verde should think twice before violating these fundamental principles of international law ”.

This is Baltasar Garzón

Baltazar Garzón, the controversial former Spanish judge, also appears on the scene.

The Spaniard insists on the alleged immunity of the Barranquilla: “Alex Saab had and has inviolability and diplomatic immunity, because he was a diplomatic agent appointed by a sovereign government such as that of Venezuela. Alex Saab is a Venezuelan citizen on a special mission, as we have been able to demonstrate with the documentation that curiously was seized by the police ”.

Baltazar Garzón on Alex SaabBaltazar Garzón on Alex Saab

Alex Saab

And he adds: “But this was not taken into account by any Cape Verdean authority. This decision is very serious and it confronts Cape Verde with an international breach that at some point can be turned against and seriously affects the rights of Alex Saab ”.

According to those close to Saab, Cape Verde would be punished in the coming weeks with millions in fines for keeping Saab in custody.

In another of the videos, the lawyer and human rights activist, Femi Falana, speaks, who affirms that “neither the United States nor Cape Verde should decide who is sent as a diplomat by the government of Venezuela” and adds that this is a sovereign right of each country.

For Falana, the United States and Cape Verde “are ignoring Saab’s diplomatic status.”

Video to seek freedom from SaabVideo to seek freedom from Saab

Alex Saab

What comes next?

The videos are known at a time when the Supreme Court of Cape Verde is reviewing Saab’s file and is preparing to decide whether or not to send him extradited to the United States, where he is considered a key piece to reach the hidden fortunes of the regime’s leaders and agreements with Iran, Turkey and Russia that can affect the stability of the United States.

Although, for sources in Washington, it is a fact that Saab will be extradited, this ensures that the extradition process has not been completed and qualifies as yellowish the information according to which The United States already has a plane ready to take him to a jail in Miami.

