Álex Saab accuses the Cape Verde Police of concealing evidence – Investigative Unit


In a last-minute judicial strategy, the defense of Barranquilla Álex Saab has just instituted a complaint against members of the Cape Verde police, for concealing key evidence from judges and prosecutors who are processing his possible extradition to the United States.

The designated figurehead of Nicolás Maduro accuses them of having looted a briefcase that he was carrying at the time of his capture, on June 12 in Cape Verde.

In what is considered a clear legal attempt to invalidate or at least call into question the extradition process, Saab’s defense points out that there he carried evidence about the supposed diplomatic nature of his trip to Iran, on a special mission, as well as his status. diplomatic.

(We invite you to read: Exclusive: the new lawyer of Álex Saab in Colombia speaks)

When Saab was captured he was in transit in Cape Verde, bound for Iran, supposedly to negotiate gasoline and food for the Bolivarian government of Venezuela, in the face of the United States embargoes and the coronavirus pandemic.

(Also: Saab says that hooded men beat him to sign extradition)

And although his defense has filed all kinds of appeals, Cape Verde keeps him under arrest and in the process of extradition.

In fact, Saab has denounced everything from night beatings, to sign his voluntary extradition and testify against Maduro, to theft of money and health problems.

The police hid such documents preventing them from being known to the judges and from them appreciating the inviolability of Álex Saab as a special envoy and therefore protected.

(We invite you to read: Maduro’s secret meetings with Iran to negotiate missiles)

The complaint

The reason for the complaint refers to the fact that at the time of the arrest of the special envoy, when a briefcase was seized which contained official documents that demonstrated the diplomatic nature of his trip as a special mission, as well as the diplomatic character as a special envoy, the police concealed such documents, preventing them from being known to the judges and from them appreciating the inviolability of Álex Saab as sent special and therefore protected
internationally, “says a statement by the Saab defense, led by former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón.

(You may be interested in: US denies torturing Álex Saab to sign extradition )

And he adds that although the briefcase was returned days later, there was no record or record of what was seized. nor of the documentation found.

“This momentous event, in addition to the criminal nature of the action, could lead to a legal overturn to the situation of Mr. Saab, who until now has seen his character as a special envoy and his inviolability and diplomatic immunity derived from it unknown,” they point out.

At the same time, in Colombia the process for money laundering against Saab is advancing, which has just hired criminal lawyer Camilo Bocanegra for its defense.

(We invite you to read: The process by which Álex Saab was called to trial in Colombia)

As part of this process, Saab had assets seized for 9 million dollars in Colombia.

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