Alejandro Fernández concert for mothers


Accompanying the renowned singer will be his son Alex Fernández, who inherited his father’s talent for singing. The artists will be performing their most important successes and will pay tribute to mothers in their day.

This event is broadcast from 4:45 pm, on the YouTube channel of Cerveza Aguila, also from their social networks will be the minute by minute of everything that is leaving the broadcast of this concert that seeks to unite families in Colombia in around this celebration.

In addition, the beer company and the artists seek to obtain funds for the Solidarity Foundation for Colombia, and allow the purchase of fans that will be delivered to the Department of Health of Chocó to help with some hospital elements during the health crisis by COVID-19 .

People who wish to donate must be aware of Aguila’s social networks where the specifications will be to make their monetary contribution to this cause.

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However, this Sunday the Ministry of Health confirmed that the doctor, who worked at the CAPS Chircales in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality of Bogot u00e1, passed away in the Hospital San Ignacio.


After the sad news was known, people on social networks recalled the emotional moment that was lived on April 30, when the Neighbors from the doctor gave him messages from his apartments when they saw that an ambulance had come to take him to the hospital.



n n Hospital. n n



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u201cChao, Miguelito u201d, u201cGo back soon u201d, u201cYou are going to recover u201d, u201cAc u00e1 We look forward to it u201d, u201cYou are a winner u201d, u201c Calm, u00e1nimo u201d, u201c God bless you u201d, were some of the messages that were heard from the windows of several residents of the Miguel Barrag u00e1n doctor.


Together with the Subred Centro Oriente team, we express with deep pain the loss of a u00a0excepcional man and professional, whom we will remember forever. u00a0Accompanied your family and close friends in this painful moment and extend all our solidarity, u00f1 u00f3 said the Secretary of Health of Bogot u00e1 in a statement.


This is the video of that emotional moment in which the neighbors of the doctor who died this weekend demonstrated their wishes for him to win the battle against the coronavirus:




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According to Gil, two officials who are working on the project works presented in the last few days symptoms related to the coronavirus, so they had to be isolated together with 78 other employees.


Despite the fact that one of the operators tested negative for the COVID-19, the director of the entity finally decided to suspend the work on two fronts of the crossing of the central mountain range in the sector of the department of Quind u00edo.


u201cWe are committed to preserving life, so we will continue to take appropriate measures and timely report on the evolution of this contingency u201d, Juan Esteban Gil added in the document.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque n n



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This was one of the few infrastructure works in the country that had resumed work after the government of Iv u00e1n Duque approved the reopening of the construction sector on April 27.


Because of this, the completion of the work and delivery of the La L? uneane tunnel, which were scheduled for the end of this year, will be extended again. It should be remembered that the construction of this project takes more than 12 years.

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The airline reported in a statement that this decision was made taking into account also the prognoses of reduced industry revenue worldwide by $ 314 billion, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA).


Avianca's regular passenger operations have been on the ground since mid-March, which has reduced its consolidated revenue by more than 80% and has put significant pressure on its liquidity, u201c noted. Companion to area.


That being the case, Avianca Holdings will voluntarily file for Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York with the intention of u201c preserve operations to continue serving customers with safe and reliable air travel, under the most stringent biosafety protocols, as travel restrictions generated by COVID-19 u201d are gradually lifted.


In addition, he highlighted that he seeks to ensure connectivity and boost investment and tourism by continuing to be the main airline in Colombia, providing services to more than 50% of the domestic market in the country and a nonstop essential service throughout South America, North America and European markets; as well as continuing with the loading operations, It played a key role in the economic recovery of Colombia and the Company's other main markets after the COVID-19 pandemic.



u201cThe effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have led us to face the most challenging crisis in our 100-year history as a compaà ± o u00eda u201d u00fd u00f3 Anko van der Werff, CEO and President of Avianca Holdings, as it added that despite the positive results of our plan u201cAvianca 2021 u2033, we believe that, in view of the total suspension of our operation of passengers and a recovery that will be u00e1 Gradually, entering this process is a necessary step to address our financial challenges u201d.


He also highlighted that with this decision he also seeks to preserve jobs in Colombia and other markets in which it operates, being directly responsible for more than 21,000 direct and indirect jobs throughout Latin America, including more than 14,000 in Colombia, and working with more than 3,000 suppliers.


u201cWe will restructure the company's balance sheet and obligations to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as manage its responsibilities, leases, aircraft orders and other commitments u201d, he concluded.

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The Colombian Geological Service confirmed that the epicenter of the tremor was in Timbiqu u00ed (Cauca) and its depth of 35 km.


Just six days ago, an earthquake was also registered in the Pacific region of Colombia. Last May 4, a 4.6 magnitude telephone movement with an epicenter in the Pacific Ocean and with a depth of 30 kilometers was recorded.



n n Coronavirus n n



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At the moment, the authorities do not register victims or impact on infrastructure.


This was the report presented by the Colombian Geological Service



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In the ongoing process against the 2 sons of Jota Mario Valencia, a 43-year-old man asks to be recognized as the presenter's son and, therefore, to protect his rights to the communicator's inheritance, explains the means of communication, that shows 2 fax copies proving that the process is ongoing in a family court in Bogot u00e1.


In these documents, indicates the agency directed by journalist Norbey Quevedo, the plaintiff -identified as Alejandro u00c1vila- says that it was his mother who told him only until when Valencia died, in June of last year, that he was the presenter's son.



n n Luisa Fernanda W n n



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By flattering her tummy, Luisa W's friend will have revealed the baby's name



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With the confession that recounts u00c1vila in the lawsuit, added the middle, there is a love story between Jota Mario Valencia and Teresa de Jes u00fas u00c1vila Fula, an older woman than in 1975, when the couple met, worked at home for a German family in the La Soledad neighborhood in downtown Bogota.


In his account of justice, he continues to the API, u00c1vila states that her mother asked Valencia to formalize their courtship after they began to see each other in a u201cclandestina u201d way. and despite the fact that the communicator He did not treat her as his girlfriend u201c because of the social difference that existed between the two.


u201cThe relationship broke when Teresa told the young man [Jota Mario] that she was presented with a delay in menstruation and that she was scared because she believed she was pregnant, the young man was indifferent to this situation and from there he stopped communicating with Teresa, ignored her, did not answer her phone calls, in summary she abandoned her, she says in the narration that the news portal reported.


After knowing the story of his mother, adds the agency, Alejandro u00c1vila hired an investigator to corroborate that story and then empowered the lawyer who initiated the aforementioned judicial process, which could include DNA tests to the children of Valencia as the journalist's body cannot be exhumed as he was cremated.



n n Gregorio Pernu00eda n n



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The process, the API highlights, will also involve a lawsuit over a millionaire demand which would include a lot house purchased in 2015 for $ 1,040 million, an apartment bought in 2003 by $ 403 million and shares in 4 companies in which Jota Mario, according to the agency, had a participation.


This litigation, concludes the news portal, must be resolved within a year in normal conditions, that is to say, a ruling should be issued before next August. But, the medium specifies, the procedure has been prolonged a little more by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in this type of cases.

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Several of the friends of the u2018influencer u2019 showed their admiration for the toned body that they still conserve, despite the fact that she is already about her fourth month of gestation.


One of the aforementioned women was Gaby Giraldo, who did not miss the opportunity to congratulate the paisa, and her message spread so much that she ended up saying between them the name of Luisa's baby.



u201cDivine with that little pancake. God bless the future Franco u201c, was what I left written. It is worth mentioning that the u2018youtuber u2019 and Pipe have already referred to this name in networks.


In addition, Gaby must have the mentioned name very present, since her son is called the same way.


This is the commented photo:






Here, the comments:


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u00bfModelo de 'La fila' abandonu00f3 a su papu00e1 y lo tiene viviendo en la calle?","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Ana Maru00eda Tavera"}]},{"id":"PP896221","titles":{"main":"Con reguetu00f3n y parodias, cura arrasa en Tik Tok con divertidos videos sobre cuarentena","facebook":"[VIDEO] El 'curita' se reinventu00f3 y le funcionu00f3 muy bien. ud83eudd23ud83eudd23ud83eudd23","seo":"Coronavirus: Cura boliviano arrasa en Tik Tok invitando a respetar la cuarentena"},"phrases":{"main":"El boliviano se ha convertido en un fenu00f3meno viral en la red social de moda, donde invita a sus seguidores a quedarse en casa para evitar contagios de COVID-19"},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"virales","name":"Virales"}},"urls":{"main":"/virales/coronavirus-cura-boliviano-arrasa-tik-tok-invitando-respetar-cuarentena-PP896221"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jesus.avila","name":"Jesus 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u201cEstoy contento, hemos recibido buenos comentarios de la gente que estu00e1 viviendo una situaciu00f3n complicada con la cuarentena. A travu00e9s del humor quiero ayudar a mi comunidadu201d, declaru00f3 Rolando Laime, al diario Opiniu00f3n, de Cochabamba, Bolivia.


Vistiendo atuendos religiosos, gafas oscuras y gorras con visera de aire juvenil, el sacerdote catu00f3lico de 35 au00f1os hace parodias de composiciones nacionales y otras de moda exhortando a respetar la cuarentena.



n n Pescadores liberan a tiburu00f3n ballena en Taganga. n n



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Ya tiene en su haber 8 videos con mu00e1s de 10.000 reproducciones cada uno y algunos cientos de compartidos en la red. Su cuenta de Tik Toku00a0 superu00f3 los 1000 seguidores en una semana.


El cura alcanzu00f3 la fama con la transmisiu00f3n de misas virtuales por Facebook durante las primeras semanas del confinamiento.


Durante la pasada Semana Santa, sobrevolu00f3 la ciudad de Cochabamba en un helicu00f3ptero y transmitiu00f3 en las redes sociales la bendiciu00f3n que otorgaba a la ciudad.


Pru00f3ximamente, el religioso lanzaru00e1 su propio canal en YouTube, donde publicaru00e1 sus videos de humor, con mensajes de la Iglesia catu00f3lica y de su parroquia.



n n retotik n n



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Bolivia decretu00f3 una estricta emergencia sanitaria el 17 de marzo con cierre de fronteras y cuarentena obligatoria, que decidiu00f3 prolongar por una semana mu00e1s. Hasta la fecha lleva registrados 2.437 contagios y 114 decesos por el nuevo coronavirus.


A continuaciu00f3n, algunos de los divertidos videos:



@padrerolandoQuedate en tu casa.u266c CuarentenaChallenge JUAN DE MONTREAL u2013 juandemontreal n





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Repugnante (y absurdo) nuevo reto de TikTok es grabarse orinu00e1ndose en pantalones","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Pastor le manda video porno a vecina y luego sale a decir que no sabe cu00f3mo pasu00f3","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Pastor argentino."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Llevan a familiar muerto en una cama a su casa porque no habu00eda espacio en la morgue","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"muerto en Argentina"}]},{"id":"PP896188","titles":{"main":"A disparos matan a hombre y a su hija de 9 meses, al parecer, por incumplir cuarentena","facebook":"#Naciu00f3n La violencia no para.","seo":"Asesinan a hombre y a su hija de 9 meses en el Cauca"},"phrases":{"main":"Segu00fan las autoridades, el atentado se presentu00f3 este su00e1bado en la tarde en la vereda Dos Aguas, ubicada en la zona rural de Suu00e1rez (departamento del Cauca)."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/asesinan-hombre-su-hija-9-meses-cauca-PP896188"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"sebastian.castillo","name":"Sebastian Castillo"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":1589144805,"updated":1589144805,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Hombre armado","credit":"Getty Images","description":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Hombre 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Milciades Vergara, secretario de gobierno de esa regiu00f3n, aseguru00f3 en el diario Time que el hombre fue atacado por varios sujetos armados, cuando se movilizaba hacu00eda el ru00edo Ovejas junto con su esposa y sus dos hijas.


El funcionario, igualmente, indicu00f3 en el impreso que la vu00edctima, identificada con el nombre de Armando Muu00f1oz Valencia, falleciu00f3 en lugar de los hechos, mientras que la menor muriu00f3 en el centro mu00e9dico de la verada.


u201cLa poblaciu00f3n estu00e1 aterrada por este caso y tambiu00e9n porque han circulado muchos panfletos de grupos armados en los que dicen que prohu00edben que las personas circulen despuu00e9s de las dos de la tardeu201d, agregu00f3 Vergara.



n n Masacran a 3 personas en cuarentena en Cauca n n



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De acuerdo con las primeras investigaciones, el ataque se habru00eda producido por que Muu00f1oz Valencia y su familia rompieron la cuarentena obligatoria, decretada por el Gobierno Nacional, seu00f1alu00f3 el rotativo.


El pasado 26 de abril, por otro lado, tres personas murieron y otras cuatro resultaron heridas en la zona rural de Buenos Aires (Cauca), luego de que un grupo de hombres armados les lanzaran una granada.


En ese sector del departamento, afirmu00f3 Noticias Caracol, tambiu00e9n han ciruculado varios panfletos, en los que se amenaza a la comunidad para que permanezca en sus casas, y en donde se declara objetivo militar a la persona que infrinja el aislamiento.

n "," commercial ": {" promoted ": {" name ":" "," slug ":" "," color ":" "," facebook ":" "," image ":" "," imageletter ":" "," imageblack ":" "}}," directtv ": {" mobile ":" "," desktop ":" "," link ":" "}," Custom_fields ": {" Directv " : "", "Promoted": ""}, "you can also interest":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"/nacion/muertos-por-atentado-con-granada-cuarentena-cauca-PP888065","title":"Cuarentena de terror en Cauca: mueren 3 personas en ataque con granada y disparos de fusil","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Se fue otro hu00e9roe: muriu00f3 por coronavirus doctor que trabajaba en el sur de Bogotu00e1","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Hospital."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Jugadota del 'Tino' Asprilla con vendedora chocoana desesperada en medio de la cuarentena","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Tino Asprilla ayuda a mujer en cuarentena"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"u201cLa irresponsable, agresiva y egu00f3latra Claudia Lu00f3pezu201d que destapu00f3 Maru00eda Isabel Rueda","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Maru00eda Isabel Rueda."}]},{"id":"PP896205","titles":{"main":"Expareja de Villa probu00f3 que videos que publicu00f3 u00e9l son viejos y lo deju00f3 mal parado","facebook":"El jugador de Boca sigue complicado.","seo":"Pareja de Sebastiu00e1n Villa probu00f3 que videos publicados por u00e9l son viejos"},"phrases":{"main":"La colombiana Daniela Cortu00e9s seu00f1alu00f3 en un programa de televisiu00f3n que el peinado que tiene el futbolista en las imu00e1genes lo deja expuesto."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"deportes","name":"Deportes"}},"urls":{"main":"/deportes/pareja-sebastian-villa-probo-que-videos-publicados-por-viejos-PP896205"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"sergio.jacome","name":"Sergio Jacome"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":1589146324,"updated":1589146324,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Sebastiu00e1n Villa y su pareja","credit":"Instagram y AFP","description":"Pareja de Sebastiu00e1n Villa probu00f3 que videos publicados por u00e9l son viejos","alt":"Sebastiu00e1n Villa y su pareja","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Boca Juniors","Sebastiu00e1n Villa","Violencia de Gu00e9nero"], "sources":[{"title":"Daniela dice que los videos son viejos","url":"","source":"Olu00e9"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

Luego de que ella lo denunciara penalmente por violencia de gu00e9nero, Sebastiu00e1n Villa contraatacu00f3, la denunciu00f3 ante la fiscalu00eda argentina por supuestas extorsiones y publicu00f3 unos videos exponiendo que ella lo agredu00eda fu00edsica y verbalmente.


Sin embargo, Cortu00e9s hablu00f3 este domingo con el canal Cru00f3nica, de Argentina, e insistiu00f3 en que el peinado que luce Villa en los videos que publicu00f3 es diferente al que tenu00eda hace dos semanas, cuando los dos discutieron y ella decidiu00f3 exponer en redes sociales los golpes que u00e9l le habru00eda dado en los u00faltimos au00f1os en los que estuvieron juntos.



u201cQuiero aclarar que los videos que estu00e1n rodando son viejos, son de discusiones pasadas en la que u00e9l me grababa en forma burlesca y humillativa (sic) y se los mandaba a sus amigos para provocarme y yo defenderme. They are not from April 27. Se puede ver la diferencia en el corte de cabellou201c, expresu00f3 la mujer colombiana, citada por el diario Olu00e9.


Cortu00e9s insistiu00f3 en que las imu00e1genes aportadas por Villa no demuestran que ella lo estuviera extorsionando y tambiu00e9n acusu00f3 al jugador de Boca Juniors y sus representantes de ofrecerle dinero a la familia de ella para que retirara su denuncia.


u201cSu00ed, los representantes de u00e9l llamaron muchas veces a mi familia y en ocasiones hasta me llamaron mu00ed, pidiendo hablar conmigo porque sabu00edan que u00e9l estaba en un momento vulnerable. Mi familia estaba desesperada. Yo acu00e1 no veo redes, no veo noticias. They were ready for anything. Entonces los representantes llamaban muchas veces a mi hermana, a mis papu00e1su201c, concluyu00f3 la expareja del volante.

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Durante las u00faltimas semanas, las autoridades sanitarias de ese pau00eds han reportado un descenso importante en la cifra de casos de contagio diagnosticados y muertes asociadas al virus. Ademu00e1s, del aumento en el nu00famero de pacientes recuperados.


No obstante, de acuerdo con el mandatario, se espera que los sectores comerciales y centros educativos reabran solo hasta el pru00f3ximo mes, en la primera fase del plan de desescalada.



n n Wuhan, China n n



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u201cSeru00eda una locura tirar por la borda todo lo logrado hasta el momento, permitiendo un segundo pico de infeccionesu201d, manifestu00f3 el jefe de Estado en la conferencia de prensa, la cual fue televisada.


Johnson, de igual manera, autorizu00f3 el regreso al trabajo de las personas que no puedan hacerlo desde sus casas y las salidas limitadas a hacer deporte y tomar el sol en espacios pu00fablicos abiertos, a partir del miu00e9rcoles 13 de mayo.


Estas nuevas medidas, que se cancelaru00e1n si se detecta un rebrote de la pandemia, solo se aplicaru00e1n en Inglaterra, ya que en Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del Norte tienen sus propias competencias y ya han advertido de que mantendru00e1n el confinamiento.



n n coronavirus n n



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u201cAl final, todos se contagiaru00e1nu201d: reconocido mu00e9dico afirma que cuarentena es innecesaria



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El primer ministro britu00e1nico, por u00faltimo, seu00f1alu00f3 que en la segunda fase del plan de desescalada, que se llevaru00eda a cabo en julio, podru00e1n reabrir algunos u201clugares pu00fablicosu201d como restaurantes y cafu00e9s, mientras respeten las condiciones del distanciamiento social. Tambiu00e9n se impondru00e1 una cuarentena obligatoria a las personas que entren al pau00eds.


Con mu00e1s de 32.000 muertes asociadas al brote y 220.449 casos de contagio confirmados, el Reino Unido es la naciu00f3n europeo mu00e1s golpeado por el coronavirus y la segundo en el mundo por detru00e1s de Estados Unidos.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP896006","titles":{"main":"[En vivo] Vea la serenata de Alejandro Fernu00e1ndez para todas las mamitas en su du00eda","facebook":"Sigue en vivo la transmisiu00f3n en el YouTube de Aguila.","seo":"Concierto de Alejandro Fernu00e1ndez para las madres"},"phrases":{"main":"Cerveza Aguila trae un regalo muy especial para celebrar esta fecha tan importante junto a uno de los mayores exponentes de la mu00fasica ranchera."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"contenido-patrocinado","name":"Contenido Patrocinado"}},"urls":{"main":"/contenido-patrocinado/concierto-alejandro-fernandez-para-madres-PP896006"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"daniel.gonzalez","name":"Daniel Gonzalez"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"video","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 10, 2020 04:19 pm","updated":1589127559,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Concierto Cerveza u00c1guila por el Chocu00f3","credit":"Solidaridad por Colombia","description":"","alt":"Concierto Cerveza u00c1guila por el Chocu00f3","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Alejandro Fernandez","Cerveza u00e1guila","Chocu00f3","Video"], "sources":[{"title":"Concierto Alejandro Fernu00e1ndez","url":"","source":"@cervezaaguila","fuente":"@cervezaaguila"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

Acompau00f1ando al reconocido cantante estaru00e1 su hijo Alex Fernu00e1ndez, quien heredu00f3 el talento de su padre para el canto. Los artistas estaru00e1n interpretando sus mu00e1s importantes u00e9xitos y rendiru00e1n un homenaje a las madres en su du00eda.


Este evento es transmitido desde las 4:45 p.m., por el canal de YouTube de Cerveza Aguila, ademu00e1s desde sus redes sociales estaru00e1 el minuto a minuto de todo lo que vaya dejando la transmisiu00f3n de este concierto que buscar unir a las familias en Colombia en torno a esta celebraciu00f3n.




Ademu00e1s, la empresa cervecera y los artistas buscan conseguir fondos para la Fundaciu00f3n Solidaridad por Colombia, y permitir la compra de ventiladores que seru00e1n entregados a la Secretaru00eda de Salud Departamental del Chocu00f3 para ayudar con algunos elementos hospitalarios durante la crisis sanitaria por la COVID-19.


Las personas que deseen donar deben estar pendientes de las redes sociales de Aguila en donde estaru00e1n las especificaciones para hacer su aporte monetario a esta causa.

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