After 10 years, the journalist María Isabel Rueda leaves W Radio


Courtesy: The W
Courtesy: The W

This December 25, Semana Magazine revealed that the journalist María Isabel Rueda would leave W Radio and its famous section “What is María Isabel wondering?”.

According to the magazine, Rueda received several proposals and accepted a new journalistic project of which details will be known in mid-January 2021.

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For 10 years, the journalist set the agenda with her section in a strip on the radio in which nobody competed. So far the station has not confirmed the departure of Rueda.

The path of María Isabel Rueda as a journalist and politician

The lawyer from the Universidad del Rosario, worked for a long time for Semana magazine until June 2008 when she joined the journalistic team of the newspaper El Tiempo. Two years later, in 2010, he became a commentator on W Radio.

In 2009 he received the Simón Bolívar National Journalism Award in recognition of their informative work. Rueda also participated in politics, in 1998 she was elected representative to the Chamber for the city of Bogotá with a vote of 110,000 votes, but two years later she resigned and returned to the world of the media.

The journalist has worked and written for other media such as Caracol Radio, the news 24 Hours and QAP on television and the newspaper El Siglo, where he started his career.

In recent years it has been criticized for his position on issues surrounding former President Álvaro Uribe and the support that he has shown through his opinion columns in El Tiempo for President Iván Duque.

In fact, her brother, Miguel Germán Rueda, is the husband of Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, former Minister of the Interior and current Presidential Advisor for Human Rights and International Affairs.

In one of his last columns, which he entitled ‘Watch out!’, He criticized the British Parliament for raising harsh criticism and concerns about the role of the Duque government in the implementation of the peace process.

“The House of Lords of the British Parliament, to pressure the implementation of the agreements with the FARC, strongly criticizes Duque on human rights issues and the ‘Santrich’ case, which occurred not under the Duque government, but Santos,” he said Wheel.

In addition, the journalist criticizes that international organizations intervene in national affairs. “As so much international concern in our internal affairs is often unsympathetic and arbitrary, I asked the State’s legal defense how many international entities have the right to stick their noses in our internal affairs”, wrote.

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Finally, in the column he pointed out that Colombia is constantly being studied, evaluated, examined, measured and monitored. “By international entities of all roots, the least balanced, and the most ideological and even biased. The villain is the Colombian State “.

Rueda’s departure is known a few weeks after the journalist arrived at the station María Jimena Duzán, who resigned from Semana Magazine amid a controversial mass resignation by journalists after Vicky Dávila assumed the general management of the medium.
