Actress Veronica Castro’s mother died


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After that episode, investigators who were on the trail of Gustavo Adolfo u00c1lvarez T u00e9llez, the real name of the drug trafficker, intelligence the farm, According to El Tiempo, and they were able to confirm that he was in that place, located in u00a0Ceret u00e9, C u00f3rdoba.


u201cIn the midst of the surveillance, the presence of u2018Tavo u2019 was confirmed on the farm, who is accused of taking at least six tons of cocaine, monthly, through the ports of Santa Marta and Cartagena u201d , stated a u201csource u201d to the newspaper.


The newspaper notes that u00c1lvarez T u00e9llez u00a0 u2014 for which the authorities offered up to 580 million reward u2014 It has in its hiding place great amenities such as a jacuzzi, swimming pool and other types of luxuries; in addition to horses and cattle. u00a0



After confirming the presence of the drug trafficker on the farm, the u00a0Polic u00eda Antinarc u00f3ticos armed an operation and this Friday they were captured, the media indicated.


Alias ​​ u2018Tavo u2019, who did not resist the arrest u00f3n u00a0 u2014agreg u00f3 the newspaper u2014 belongs to the Gulf Clan and was one of the most wanted by the authorities of the country.





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H u00e9ctor Neira, co-founder of Picap and legal representative of CAP Technologies S.A.S, owner of the brand, filed the appeal in order to stop the liquidation of the company by the Superintendency of Companies, than order u00f3 to immediately suspend the provision of its services in Colombia, in addition to selling your properties to pay off all debts.


The document Picap wants to keep on the country highlights, According to the weather, that the Superintendency of Transport did not respect due process and violated u00f3 the rights of the company, reason why it asks to revoke the resolution that ordered its liquidation.


u201c u00a0Not only are the rights of the company at risk, but Also those of third-party users, such as participation, mobility, work, free development of personality, freedom of company and free movement, Neira highlighted in the guardianship cited by the newspaper.


The judicial office determined that there are not sufficient elements of judgment to conclude that the Supertransporte measures constitute an arbitrary and illegal exercise, for which reason it denied the precautionary measure requested by Picap; However, the entity shall, in the next three days, render an executive and detailed report of the actions carried out in relation to the facts related to the lawsuit, the media added.

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The mayor of Cartagena held a press conference to report on the School Feeding Plan (PAE) of the city, and ended up alarming citizens who do not comply with the quarantine.


The day is coming where people will start to drop dead like flies every day. u00a1Stop hanging around on the street! Stay in your houses. This is not the time to fool around. People are getting it. [u2026] The coronavirus is more dangerous because the coronavirus silently kills you u201d, Dau told the media.


The local president was concerned about the 15 deaths that have already been registered in u2018La Heroica u2019, and He assured that the pandemic is more dangerous than any armed group.


u201c Can you imagine your conscience, if you go out to the street to hang around and bring the coronavirus to your house and stick it to your mom, your dad or your grandfather, u00bfCould you live with it? We all have to take care of ourselves. We all saved Cartagena u201d, he concluded.


Dau made reference to the fact that measures are being taken to control the mobility of people on city streets, and that he will not allow the manufacturing industry to open on his territory, despite the order of the President Iv u00e1n Duque.



n n Gustavo Petro e Ivu00e1n Duque n n



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The mayor's statements from minute 18: u00a0




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According to the BBC News, The new vaccine was delivered this Thursday to the first two volunteers in the study., which will count in the initial stage with the participation of a total of 800 people, with ages between 18 and 55 years.


The news network, likewise, It is indicated that half of them will receive the medicine (scientifically called ChAdOx1 nCoV-19), while the others will be injected with a control vaccine.



n n Rash n n



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The institute researchers, on the other hand, indicated that they hope to repeat the process in six more volunteers this Saturday, and with a view to Monday increasing the number of participants.


Parallel to the tests, a first million doses will be produced so that, if it works, the treatment will be available as soon as possible.. According to Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccination at the educational center and leader of the project, the probabilities of success are estimated at 80%.


Gilbert additionally emphasized in the newspaper The Times that your research team may have the vaccine available before the end of the year, as long as all the protocols of the procedure are respected.


In Germany, meanwhile, federal authorities this week approved starting clinical trials of a drug, developed by the BioNTech laboratory and US pharmaceutical company Pfizer.



n n Persona haciendo ejercicio n n



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In addition to the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, The World Health Organization (WHO) assured that there are three other coronavirus vaccines that are being tested in humans., one in the United States and two in China.


Currently, there are several countries and pharmaceutical companies that are working on an efficient cure to combat COVID-19, which has so far caused more than 196,000 deaths worldwide.

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The Ecuadorian Guayaquil, the Amazonian Manaus in Brazil and Iquitos in Ecuador and the Mexican Tijuana are four of the cities in the region that suffer the harshest of the coronavirus, a disease that has shown no regard for nobody.


In these places, which are not the largest in their countries but become the epicenter of the pandemic, the health and funeral systems have collapsed, or are about to do so, due to the uncontrolled way the disease is progressing. , which already leaves more than 125,000 cases and 6,000 dead in the region, according to the most recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO). And the worst: the maximum peak of COVID-19 has not even arrived yet and is expected in mid to late May.


Corpses on the streets


u201cGuayaquil has experienced one of the greatest tragedies in history, u201d said Cynthia Viteri, mayor of a town that condenses much of the coronavirus drama in Latin America, on Friday. The second largest city in Ecuador went from being the economic center of the country to the scene of a Dantesque situation: people taking corpses from their homes and leaving them on the streets with a blanket. on top, people embarking for weeks on desperate searches for their relatives in the morgues and later enduring a wait of up to four days to bury them.


With at least 520 deaths and 10,400 official infections, Guayaquil accounts for 51% of cases in the entire country, which is aggravated to learn that Guayas, the province of which it is the capital, has almost 8,000 deaths u201cextra u201d Since the health crisis in the country began on February 29 and of which, the authorities themselves acknowledge, u00a0 it is almost impossible to know the exact causes.


A churchyard here in Guayaquil prior to the pandemic had an average of 10-20 burials per day. Then I saw the list of deceased and they had 140 at 5.30 in the afternoon, said Merwin Ter u00e1n, president of the Association of Funeral Homes of Guayas, for later to add: u201c Can't tell me which are not because where did so much death come from? That was COVID, there was nothing left u20e1s u201d.



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To all this is added that with the passage of the dollars the contempt in the streets to the orders of confinement is palpable and, for example, last Monday and Tuesday there are long lines of vehicles in the main bridge to enter the city, as if it were a normal work day.


u201cThe increased mobility is very worrying and dangerous. In the last week, the increase in Guayaquil is 17.7%. If we let our guard down, lives will be lost, President Len u00edn Moreno wrote on Twitter.


Overflowing hospitals and mass graves


In Manaus, the emergency affects both the living and the dead. Hospitals are collapsed and caskets no longer fit in their largest cemetery, so the bodies are now going to try to rest in mass graves: from an average of 20 to 35 daily burials, it has gone to almost 100.


Very few beds and almost no equipment for severe cases, refrigerators recently installed in a hospital to make up for the lack of space for bodies, health workers in white suits, masks and gloves moving bodies, and excavators opening trenches in the cemetery.


The u201cEstado is extremely absent u201d, denounced Luigi Fernandes, who suffered a couple of weeks ago the death of his mother-in-law, 67, due to COVID-19 and who said that in the hospital where she was hospitalized for 8 days, the x-rays did not work, they only had a respirator and they had to buy the drugs themselves.


An x-ray alone shows that the 2,270 confirmed cases and the 193 deaths officially reported in the Brazilian Amazon are far from the true dimension of the problem in this area of ​​northern Mexico. Brazil.


Other countries can help with resources, with remittances of drugs, sending quick tests, protection teams, because many doctors are working without teams ( u2026) u201d Virgilio Neo, mayor of that city with 1.8 million inhabitants, concentrates almost half of the population of the state of Amazonas, affirmed last Wednesday to Efe.


Homeless on Amazon u00eda


About 700 infected and 23 dead. Although the Loreto region occupies the fourth place in Peru, there are a few numbers that at the current juncture of the pandemic do not seem catastrophic but have already caused the morgue of the provincial hospital, in the heart Amazon, exceed its capacity and can not receive more corpses, while those who remain are stacked inside black garbage bags.


Iquitos, the largest city in the Amazon u00eda in Peru, is the one that concentrates most of the problems of the region, in which containment measures such as quarantines or use of masks are practically nonexistent and that also includes the indigenous communities around them, who live far from hospitals and health centers.



n n Ecuador coronavirus n n



Related article


In Ecuador they collected almost 800 corpses from houses, because hospitals cannot supply



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From six to eight hours and up to three days per order. That is what it takes the inhabitants of the area to take to those health posts.


u201cM u00e1s 60% of the communities lacks medical posts and those that exist are shortaged, do not have equipment or medicines and the intercultural approach is hardly applied, denounced d u00edas atr u00e1s the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the East (ORPIO), based in Iquitos.


For this reason, the ORPIO and other indigenous organizations warn: if the outbreak of the coronavirus is not contained, the damage will be dramatic.


Hospital saturation


u201cWe are on the verge of saturation u201d. Thus, emphatically, in an interview with Efe, the Mexican undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo L u00f3pez of Health, referred to the situation in Tijuna, on the border with the US, in an interview with Efe. .UU., And where up to that day 588 infections and 89 deaths had been reported, more than half that in all of Baja California, to which it belongs.


Although currently the hospital occupation in that state is between 44.9% and 73.02%, depending on the entity, and with a use of 69% of the available ventilators, which worries the authorities is that the maximum peak of the disease is estimated to occur between May 8 and 10 and Tijuana, along with Mexico City, is the epicenter of the pandemic in the country.


In addition, recently the state governor, Jaime Bonilla, assured that health workers are falling like flies in the absence of protection and security at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).


A conjuncture by which the regional authorities are preparing for a saturation of the health system, despite the fact that Baja California, and particularly Tijuana u201d, is where the greatest compliance occurs with social isolation measures, with a 74 %, as acknowledged this Friday by the President of Mexico, Andr u00e9s Manuel L u00f3pez Obrador.

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The expert reminded people that the body does not always react the same way; The brain even gets used to the stimuli and then they become normal, therefore, it is necessary to innovate.


La lubricaciu00f3n no siempre estu00e1 relacionada con la excitaciu00f3n, pues hay factores como menopausia, estru00e9s, embarazo, uso de medicamentos, mu00e9todos anticonceptivos, detergentes y hasta uso de tampones que pueden alterar este aspecto.


Con lo anterior, es importante destacar que el encierro puede aumentar el estru00e9s y al querer reducirlo, el cerebro se ocupa primero de este y no de las funciones reproductivas; hasta el periodo menstrual se podru00eda ausentar.



Para contrarrestar esto, Lina recomendu00f3 usar lubricantes, pues ayudan a que la fricciu00f3n e intensidad del encuentro sean mayores; si la penetraciu00f3n o roce se da sin una buena cantidad de lu00edquido, pueden generarse molestias.


Cuando la mujer se siente incu00f3moda durante el sexo, esto puede desarrollar bloqueos sicolu00f3gicos que, a futuro, le generan cambios negativos en su vida sexual.


Aquu00ed, la explicaciu00f3n de Betancurt:


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Blu Radio reseu00f1a 3 compau00f1u00edas que por estos du00edas abrieron vacantes para trabajar desde el hogar, una gran opciu00f3n si se considera la situaciu00f3n actual de muchos colombianos.


La situaciu00f3n por la pandemia del COVID-19 impacta tanto la economu00eda, que se calcula que 1,4 millones de colombianos podru00edan perder su empleo durante esta u00e9poca de cuarentena, segu00fan cifras de Fedesarrollo publicadas por Semana.



n n Imagen-de-referencian n



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u00bfBuscando trabajo? Amazon abre convocatorias en Colombia... en plena u00e9poca de pandemia



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Ante tal panorama, las siguientes se convierten en alternativas viables para muchos colombianos confinados en sus hogares para protegerse del contagio con coronavirus.


Las 3 empresas destacadas por Blu son Amazon, Teleperformance y World Ventures.


Amazon, la tienda de ventas u2018onlineu2019 de origen estadounidense, abriu00f3 1.000 vacantes en el pau00eds para puestos como agentes de servicio al cliente, desarrolladores de software y gerentes de programas, algunos de ellos permanentes, otros temporales, informu00f3 Blu.


Teleperformance, por su parte, siempre ha sido una compau00f1u00eda que deriva su operaciu00f3n de los u2018call centersu2019, y entendiu00f3 que para hacerlo no siempre se necesita tener oficinas, pues mediante software, Internet y una lu00ednea telefu00f3nica en el hogar una persona puede ser igualmente eficiente.


Por tal razu00f3n, como reporta Semana, la firma francesa abriu00f3 4.000 vacantes en Colombia, sobre todo para agentes de servicio al cliente, con un salario que arranca en 1.600.000 pesos.


El principal requisito, segu00fan la revista, es que el aplicante sea bilingu00fce en inglu00e9s, francu00e9s o portuguu00e9s, dado que el nu00facleo del negocio es atender a clientes de pau00edses que manejan esos idiomas.



n n Teletrabajon n



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u00bfBuscando trabajo durante la cuarentena? Esta herramienta le ayudaru00e1 sin salir de casa



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Semana asegura que las vacantes ofrecenu00a0un contrato a tu00e9rmino indefinido con sus respectivas prestaciones sociales; dice el medio que todas las actividades se realizaru00e1n bajo el modelo de teletrabajo. No se requiere experiencia previa en u2018call centersu2019.


World Ventures es la otra multinacional que ofrece empleo desde casa. Segu00fan El Tiempo, es un teleemprendimiento para trabajar de forma remota mediante una plataforma virtual que sirve al sector del turismo y publicu00f3 un telu00e9fono en que los interesados pueden pedir informaciu00f3n sobre la empresa y las vacantes que ofrece: 322 286 9418.

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En una misiva, difundida por el portal Diario Deportes, el canal manifestu00f3 que se le informu00f3 sobre u201cmanifestaciones y comentariosu201d de Guzmu00e1n acerca de u201csupuestas maniobras fraudulentasu201d para obtener de lau00a0Dimayoru00a0los derechos de transmisiu00f3n del fu00fatbol colombiano a travu00e9s del canalu00a0pru00e9miumu00a0Winu00a0Sportsu00a0+.u00a0


La carta continu00faa afirmando queu00a0rechazan u201cde manera enfu00e1ticau201d esas aseveraciones, ya que son u201cerru00f3neas, infundadas y carecen de sustentou201d. Despuu00e9s, seu00f1alan que el dirigente estu00e1 u201cafectando el buen nombre e intachable reputaciu00f3n de la compau00f1u00edau201d.u00a0



El documentou00a0firmado por Fernando Azuero, representante legal del canal, finaliza detallando que u201cWinu00a0Sportsu00a0se reserva el derecho de ejercer las acciones legalesu201d necesarias para u201cproteger los intereses y derechos de la compau00f1u00edau201d.u00a0


Ante esto, el presidente del equipo boyacense respondiu00f3 en otra carta apuntando que el canalu00a0fue u201cmal informadou201d por u201cpersonas a quienes incomodau201d con sus u201cobservacionesu00a0respetuosasu201d.u00a0u00a0


Finalmente, escribiu00f3 que u201cjamu00e1su201d ha hecho u201ccomentarios o manifestaciones que sean dignos de reproche juru00eddicou201d por parte deu00a0Winu00a0Sports.





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De acuerdo con el Centro de Control de Envenenamientos de NY, se reportaron por telu00e9fono nueve casos por exposiciu00f3n al Lysol, diez relacionados con la leju00eda y once con otros productos de limpieza del hogar, en un peru00edodo de 18 horas durante este viernes.


La entidad, de igual manera, no especificu00f3 quu00e9 tipo de intoxicaciu00f3n hubo en estos casos, si fue por contacto con la piel o por consumo. Sin embargo, aseguru00f3 que ninguno requiriu00f3 de hospitalizaciu00f3n y no se produjeron fallecimientos.



n n Donald Trump.n n



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Este viernes, ademu00e1s, los centros de emergencias de Maryland recibieron cerca de 100 llamadas u2013casi el doble de lo habitualu2013 relacionadas con el uso de productos domu00e9sticos para combatir el COVID-19, indicu00f3 ABC News.


Debido a las declaraciones del presidente Donald Trump, en las que sugiriu00f3 que la inyecciu00f3n de desinfectantes podru00eda ayudar a tratar el coronavirus, las autoridades cientu00edficas han advertido que estos artu00edculos no se deben consumir.


La empresa britu00e1nica que fabrica el Lysol, por su parte, emitiu00f3 un comunicado de prensa esta semana, enfatizando que no se deben ingerir sus productos, ya que esto podru00eda ser muy peligroso para la salud de las personas.


u201cComo lu00edderes globales en productos de higiene debemos dejar en claro que bajo ninguna circunstancia nuestros desinfectantes deben administrarse dentro del cuerpo humanou201d, concluyu00f3 la compau00f1u00eda inglesa.



n n Rashn n



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Incluso, la cadena de noticias Fox News, medio partidario de Donald Trump, aconseju00f3 a los ciudadanos estadounidenses a no seguir las indicaciones del presidente, informu00f3 The New York Times.


Segu00fan el u00faltimo informe de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, en Estados Unidos se han presentado hasta el momento 52.546 muertes asociadas al virus y mu00e1s de 900.000 casos de contagio confirmados, siendo el pau00eds mu00e1s afectado por la pandemia en el mundo.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP887117","titles":{"main":"Duru00edsimo momento para actriz Veru00f3nica Castro: muriu00f3 su mamu00e1, a los 85 au00f1os","facebook":"El mundo del espectu00e1culo se solidariza con la mexicana y su familia. ","seo":"Muriu00f3 la mamu00e1 de la actriz Veru00f3nica Castro"},"phrases":{"main":"La madre de la mexicana habu00eda tenido un problema renal por el que fue hospitalizada, en febrero. No obstante, au00fan se desconocen las causas de la muerte."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"entretenimiento","name":"Entretenimiento"}},"urls":{"main":"/entretenimiento/murio-mama-actriz-veronica-castro-PP887117"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"alejandra.hurtado","name":"Alejandra Hurtado"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Abril 25, 2020 10:18 am","updated":1587810126,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Veru00f3nica Castro y su mamu00e1","credit":"Instagram @vrocastroficial / Getty Images","description":"Veru00f3nica Castro y su mamu00e1 ","alt":"Veru00f3nica Castro y su mamu00e1","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Muertes","Veru00f3nica Castro"],"sources":[{"title":"Veru00f3nica Castro estu00e1 de luto, su madre falleciu00f3 en un hospital de la CDMX","url":"","source":"TV Notas","fuente":"TV Notas"},{"title":"@vrocastroficial","url":"","source":"Instagram ","fuente":"Instagram "}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Asu00ed lo confirmaron varios medios mexicanos, entre ellos, TV Notas, que seu00f1ala que el fallecimiento de la seu00f1ora Socorro Castro Alba sucediu00f3 en la noche de este viernes, en un hospital de Mu00e9xico.


El medio asegura que era de pu00fablico conocimiento que la salud de Castro Alba era delicada porque, ademu00e1s de una insuficiencia renal, tambiu00e9n fue hospitalizada por problemas en su visiu00f3n.u00a0


Incluso uno de sus nietos, el cantante Cristian Castro, viaju00f3 desde Estados Unidos para estar con su abuela con la que, de acuerdo con el portal mexicano, tenu00eda una relaciu00f3n muy cercana.



Hasta el momento, la actriz no se ha pronunciado al respecto.





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