Accident victim asks ‘El Palomo’ to respond


Alejandro Nieves, the man who was injured in the traffic accident that apparently caused William ‘El Palomo’ Dangond, Silvestre Dangond’s father, sent a message from the clinic where he is being held in Valledupar, demanding the support of the father of the urumitero artist.

In a video that circulates on social networks, Nieves shows how his body is and the serious injuries he suffered in the incident. “Look how I am. What I want is for the man to introduce himself, who has not collaborated, ”he says.

The person affected also points out that he does not blame Silvestre Dangond for this situation, “but rather the man (‘El Palomo’) who was the one who caused this accident, look in what condition I am, that I have no way to undergo surgery for the fractures he caused me ”.

Alejandro Nieves, showing tears, also makes the request that “justice be done.”

Meanwhile, his sentimental partner, Yuri Ramírez, said that he has had contact with Silvestre’s friends, but “they have not given me any help and now what we need is that they answer for the accident.”

The accident occurred on December 10 at the height of 14th Street with 18th Carrera, where the vehicle with license plates GJP-536, whose driver flees the place, collided with the motorcycle on which Alejandro Nieves was riding.
