A long time will pass for Colombia to return to the economy of 2019


The economic crisis in which the world was submerged by the coronavirus left the country very badly. A long time will pass for Colombia to return to the 2019 economy.

Due to the high unemployment rate with which the country will close, everyone is looking for solutions to the crisis.

However, experts believe that you must work hard to recover.

How long will it take for that?

A long time will pass for Colombia to return to the 2019 economy

For Andi’s president, Bruce Mac Master, the situation in Colombia is “very serious.”

This is what he said in El Tiempo, where he pointed out that the solution is not to raise the minimum wage above 2%.

The businessman assured that the country should prioritize job creation, but with unpopular changes such as working hours or days.

However, he said that whatever the solution, it will take time for Colombia to recover.

“Projections by most economists indicate that only at the end of 2022 we will recover the size of the economy that we had in 2019,” he told the newspaper.

He then indicated that, according to analysts, the country will fully recover “between 2025 and 2027.”


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