A controversial audio by Carlos Queiroz on violence against women is leaked


In the image, the Colombian coach, the Portuguese Carlos Queiroz.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive
In the image, the Colombian coach, the Portuguese Carlos Queiroz. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archive

At the end of the press conference of the coach of the Colombian National Team, Carlos Queiroz, a controversial audio from the Portuguese was leaked in which he refers to the case of alleged physical abuse by Sebastián Villa to his ex-partner Daniela Cortés. In the transmission, which was later deleted from YouTube, the strategist spoke with Juan Raúl Mejía, FCF Communications Director, about a question and a trill from journalist Sarah Castro from AS.

The journalist and several other colleagues were very interested in knowing why the player Sebastián Villa had been called up despite allegations of abuse, to to which the Colombia team coach replied: “There is a player who is playing in Argentina who is Colombian and they pay me to find out if he has the qualities to get to the Colombia team (…). I am not an institution, I am a national coach ”.

Answer that left Sarah Castro dissatisfied, who decided, through her Twitter account, to leave several trills questioning that the Colombian Football Federation should have a protocol to handle these cases of gender violence, to which Queiroz replied that what the institutions in charge of the case say should be expected, since he is not a judge of a court.

The journalist continued:

I’m going to go back a bit on your answer from Sebastián Villa. From what I heard, I understand that for you an institution such as the FCF and the National Team do not need a protocol for the handling of cases of gender violence, especially in a case like this in which the player faces a criminal case when respect. Doesn’t the Selection need to be an example of these complex social problems? “


The technician was read what the reporter wrote and he commented: “I am not the institution. She has to talk to the institutions. If all the men who take a punch from women went to the press to speak, the world would be screwed. ” These words were deleted from the video of the press conference, because they knew that it would cause controversy. However, the audio was leaked on social media.

A controversial audio by Carlos Queiroz on violence against women was revealed

Given this, the Portuguese insisted that he is not a judge to evaluate the complaint against Villa and that he will limit himself to seeing the performance of the winger in the games he plays with Boca Juniors.

This Monday, November 9, all the summoned soccer players who play in Europe arrived in Barranquilla and on Tuesday the first training session with the full group will take place. Colombia will play against Uruguay next Friday, November 13, at 3:30 pm

See also:

End of the idyll: for the first time in almost a decade, Colombians did not get on the podium of major cycling competitions

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